Needs fixing

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Hello! Sorry for the inconsistent updates, I don't plan on making an updating schedule anytime soon. Unless someone wants me too!

Rays back. I told Remus that I would talk to her the next time I saw her and this was now. What do I do? We aren't that close so I don't even know how I am going to starts conversation. I think to myself on how I could approach this and find a good solution. My hand reaches for the door knob and the door opens. I see her unpacking she turns to meet me dead in the eyes. She turns away and counties packing. Remember what you practiced outside lily you an do this.
" Hey I know the joke they said was mean and all but wouldn't this all be easier if you just forgive them?, I mean remus feels really bad about what James and Sirius said." Her brows furrowed and she gives me a weird look like what I said wasn't even english.
"What joke?" I also am now confused, she couldn't forget that fast. Maybe she didn't care? What if this is one of Potter's lame attempt to get to date me?...
"Oh that joke, yeah no. I think it's best if we just go back to not being friends." She said going back to unpacking her bags. It seemed a little suspicious, but it seemed like she really remembered.
"Where did you go, and why are there scratches on your face?" She stops what she was doing and turns to me. Since this was the first time we had a real conversation, it might be a little weird that I seem worried about her.
" I went home, Dumbledore said I could, and these scratches are from playing at home quidditch with my family to get my mind off that horrible joke." Oh, can't believe it was that bad, I mean it was Sirius and James who said it and they have been known to cross the line when they make jokes. I cannot believe how foolish they both are!
"Shouldn't they get detention, if the joke was this bad." I really am disappointed in them, how could they do this! And not get any punishment! The poor girl had to leave the whole school!
"Oh no, they, um, it wasn't that bad I was being overdramatic about the whole thing." She was hiding something but this is a new friendship I didn't want to seem pushy, even though it was really hard to not pry.
"Do you wan to go to the library or take a walk? I am a good listener." I couldn't help myself this situation is getting g interesting.
"Can't Dumbledore gave me the day off to catch up on missing school work and then I have to attend some extra classes today with Mcgnagall, pretty busy maybe another time." She gave me a soft smile, first time I think I have seen her smile.
As soon as I open my mouth to respond she has already headed for the door. I put my hand on her shoulder stoping her from moving.
"Hey, if you can hang out today let's at least walk down together?" I really want to be her friend, I can't believe I didn't go to her before!
So we go downstairs together, and as we head down we are met with awkward glares. Ugh do they know how obvious there being. But I am not shocked since from what Remus told me hasn't seen each other since the joke was told.
"Hey Rae" Remus said in a calming voice, he gave a small smile. Doesn't like her, okay Remus. Just you wait.
"We want to-" James was trying to say but she put a hand up to stop him. I was a bit surprised he seems to be apologizing. I would have at least heard what he has to say.
"See you guys in the great hall." And just like that she was off again, I went over to Remus to tell him the information I got from her.
"She said she was at her parents house, Dumbledore let her go there after the joke you said to her." I was sitting down with him and the three idiots, well two idiots Peter isn't that bad.
"What jo- ow, oh yeah the joke." Remus elbowed James, why didn't Potter know about the joke? He was the one who said it after all.
"Anyway... and the scratches on her face were from and at home Quidditch game?" He seemed suspicious of that answer. I mean Quidditch is a dangerous sport so I didn't think it was unreasonable.
"Yes, they were." I didn't want to question his suspicious as Remus doesn't share his thoughts often. It makes me worry for him sometimes.
"Oh that's good to hear."Remus still had a look of worry on his face. Something else was bothering him...
"So Lily how 'bout. Me you tonight, siting under a tree with a view of the pond?" Potter of course used this opportunity to try and hit on me. Will he ever get a clue?
"In your dreams, Potter" I don't even care to face him, how many times before he gives up?
"You Lily are always in my dreams" I gave him a cold glare and saw that goofy smirk he seems to always have plastered on his face. How I hated that look and the smell of his shampoo, does he use the whole bottle for one shower. Oh my god, why do I care about his shampoo?? Maybe Remus was right.. No he wasn't I don't like Potter and I never will.
For the rest of the day me and Rae only exchanged small waves in the corridors to the next class and that was it. I thought I sure screwed that friendship up before it even started. Which is sad because I really wanted to be friends with her.
I am sitting in the common room trying to finish the potions assignment Professor Slughorn assigned. But it was interrupted when I felt a small tap on my shoulder I turn around hoping it to be Rae. It wasn't it was just Remus, his complexion was pale and his eyes looked burdened.
"Um, sorry to interrupt but, um, Lily, we have to go on patrol tonight." He said in a sheepish voice, he said while scratching the back of his nape.
"Oh yes, I had forgotten thank you for reminding me Remus." He turned around to walk away but I grab his had before he could,
"Oh and Remus,"
"Yes." He said making eye contact with me, he looks so tried.
"Remember I am always here if you want to talk, I will never judge you." Remus scoffed at this comment, like there would be a few things that I would judge him on. Which I would never do, unless he was some murder then that's a different story. But he wasn't he was the kindness boy here at Hogwarts, and he was one of my greatest friends.
"I know Lily, thank you." He gave me a small hug and went on his way. Once I finished the assignment, I went up to get some rest. I checked Rae's bed to see if she was there, no sign of her, not tonight at least. Hopefully tomorrow though. I get up at nine and head to the common room, I was super tried and it definitely showed as I looked in the mirror before I left. But thankfully it was with Remus and not some random person. Me and Remus would walk around the school talking laughing, quietly since it was night time and after all we were Perfects. We basically just used this time to chill hang out catch up without any interruptions. We head outside because it was absolutely gorgeous out and see an animal in the fields it looked like a wolf or is it  a dog? Remus froze, he just started at it. His face had no color and its like he saw a ghost. Thankfully he started to speak,
"Is that a wolf on school grounds?" He said still making eye contact with the wolf.
"I think it is, how do you think it got here?" I said enhanced by its  beautiful coat, what a stunning silver. It was like a pool of grey and the moonlight reflected on it. But its eyes looked ever so familiar. They were this beautiful hazel from what I could see, we weren't that close to the wolf.
"Lily this has to be a rare bread this, this is no regular wolf. We need to approach it with caution." He turned to face me and I nodded in agreement. I had to believe him out of the two of us he knew the most about magical creatures.
"What if it attacks us Remus? We have no idea the damage that could cause." I gave hm a look of concern as he gave thought to what I had said.
" I guess we just need to take that risk." But before we could walk any closer the wolf was gone in seconds. It ran extremely fast.
" Where did it go!" Remus' voice sounded disappointed, I on the other hand was quite relived.
"Remus we should be headed back our patrol is almost over." With that me and Remus went back inside and on the way to the common room it was silent. I kept replaying what had happened over, and over. It didn't make sense, how could a wolf run away that fast? Remus did say it was a rare breed. We said are goodbyes and went to bed, well I don't know if he did, I was still stuck on the idea of that silver wolf. I was concentrated to check if Rae was in her bed that night. For the rest of the night I mostly tossed and turned. The next day I wake up surprised that I got any sleep at all, memories from the previous night came flooding back into my mind. I walk downstairs into the common room too go to the Great Hall for breakfast but I was stopped by Sirius.
"Did you and Remus really see a sliver wolf on the school grounds last night?" I was baffled, how could Remus have told them! Well it's not like we promised not to tell anyone what we saw. I looked behind him and saw Remus, and Peter. Hmh, where's James?
"Did you Evans?" Sirius asked me again.
"Why would it matter it ran away before we could get a better look at it, now if you don't mind I would like to get some breakfast." As I exit through the Fat Lady portrait I could here Sirius say,
"Blimay mate, you did see a silver wolf... " but the rest of the sentence I did not stay to hear. I am stoped yet again in my attempt to get to breakfast, but this time I was utterly shocked by who it was.
"What sliver wolf?" How could Rae have heard the conversation?! We were in the common room!
"How did you know what we were talking about?" She gave out a small laugh and smiled.
" I was in the common room silly." She said her laughter only growing and so was her smile, I guess I haven't ruined this friendship after all. It was nice to see her smiling.
"Oh sorry I didn't see you I was on late night patrol last night with Remus and we saw a sliver wolf." We been walking to breakfast as I continue to explain other last nights events. She seemed oddly curious in this topic of discussion, but I soon pushed that thought away when I saw James Potter, was he talking with another girl. And that's a good thing, finally he has moved on from me.
"Lily, did you hear what I said?"
" What, um no could you repeat that again" She let out a small laugh again, what a peculiar laugh.
"Yes, you know I know lots of books in the library that have to do with silver wolfs." Perfect, I will need to tell Remus this right away!
" Would you want to help us?" I said hoping she would say yes, we could use someone who knows how to handle Silver wolfs.
"Help you with what?" Remus, Sirius, and Peter entered the Great hall, Rae's face lost all color
"Um...I have to go talk later, Lily?" But she gave me no time to respond as she quickly went over to Ravenclaw table.
" Is she still mad at you guys?" I saw how upset they all looked as the ran off.
"She seems to be, haven't spoken to her at all." Sirius seemed tried of it, but you could see the guilt in his eyes. No matter how hard he tried to hid it. I am great at reading people.
For the rest of the day she acted like that all weird, like the minute Remus tried to help or mention the whole wolf thing she went all tense, and made an excuse to leave.
"So we should head to the library to see if they have any books on sliver wolfs" I told her hoping that this time since it would be just the two of us she wouldn't make any excuses. And if she did I wouldn't let her get away.
"Yeah, Remus won't be joining us right?" She had this weird look in her eyes, like he hurt her in some way. But didn't Remus say it was James a Sirius who made the joke?
"No he won't be so you can't make any excuses." She turned to me and gave a shocked face like I haven't noticed the excuses she makes.
"I don't make excuses, I really had to go to the bathroom." She looked like she was telling the truth but I still wasn't buying it.
"Oh sure you had to go to the bathroom, and what does one do in the bathroom for forty-five minutes?" A smile was tugging at my face. We both burst out into laughter as we enter the library.
"The books on silver wolfs should be right over-" I saw here looked towards the back of the library and saw what made her froze, it was Remus. She was complete frozen eyes locked on him. He turned his head and saw us. He waved his hand and started waking towards us. But before I could look back  Rae she was gone. And with no excuse
this time. The same look of sadness that ghosted Remus' face every time she did this he looked like he was in pain. I felt bad for him but he said he was okay and didn't want to talk about it. But I could see it was starting to get to him, or he's just tried of hiding the fact that it has always bothered him.

Word Count: 2516

~This is what the wolf looks like btw!~
These wolves are known to have extraordinary abilities and when transformed in the moonlight they seem to glow. They are not common in England. More common in France. They are humans that can transform into wolves, at the age of four they begin to transform. It usually runs in the family, so families with this ability form a pack. Very similar to an animagus just born with it.

 Very similar to an animagus just born with it

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