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It pains me every time I see his face, all I see is a werewolf in the place he stands. I can't take it anymore, I already have to watch my cousins bones break and their skin go into pieces. My throat begins to feel like it's closing in and the room ses to be getting smaller. The anxiety that I have felt for the past few days is recurring. He is so sweet and kind, how is it even possible? This can happen to anyone, Rae. Anyone. I held back the tears that tried their best to break through as my breathing became unsteady. I need to go on a run. I head to the dorm and drop my stuff off. I change into proper clothes and head out to ease my thoughts so I don't do something I'll regret. I need runs to feel the adrenaline pulse through me, instead when I was younger and couldn't control my anger I would lash out on myself or others. I can't stay friends with them this could get out of control and running won't be able to fix it. I had a feeling that this would be a terrible idea right from the start. Seeing as the fit so well together I just create problems,
"Is that Rae!?!" It was Clare and Ben, perfect timing guys.
"Hey how is everything haven't talked in a while." Claire smiled seeing as I was on a run, they new that something was going on.
"Yeah we have noticed you've been hanging out with the Remus Lupin and his friends a lot." Ben said in a mocking tone, with a grin on his fcae. I couldn't help but give a small laugh.
"Well I have decided I won't be anymore, I am creating to many problems in there life and as you see I am on a run, so, do I have to say more?" They gave each other a look of concern.
"But you were so happy, Rae!" I held the urge to roll my eyes that there was a short period of time where I did hang out with them. But that doesn't mean I was actually happy, right?
"Yeah well things changed and I found out not so happy news." Claire gave me a do-we-really-have-to-lecture-you-again-on-this look.
"Rae, you can't push people away when something you don't like happens in a friendship, now you don't have to tell us what it was exactly, but it doesn't matter. You should just go and talk to them, I am sure they won't mind." Clarke always had the ability to untangle my messy thoughts and come out with a good plan. I don't what I would of without her.
"Oh fine, but if this turns out bad I am blaming you!" I said half-jokingly, smiles spread across their faces.
"If they fight to stay friends you know they mean it." Ben said in his very reassuring voice.
"But what if they don't?" I said worry starting to overtake me again. But Claire put her hand on my shoulder and looks me in the eyes,
"But Rae, what if they do. It's okay to be aware of the situation but don't get to focused on the bad stuff."I looked up and emailed she was right, of course she was. We all went into a sappy group hug. And instead of admitting she was right I said,
"Okay then, I am positive that this will turn out badly." With that I felt Claire give me a punch in my left arm.
"You know that's not what I meant." She crossed he arms and glared at me, she wasn't joking.
"Fine, what should I say to them?" I gave a pleading look for some more advice from my Ravenclaw friends.
"Whatever comes to your head first." Lightbulb. I owe you one Ben.
"Thanks so much Claire and Ben!" I counted my run as I planned out what I was gong to say to them. I gotta love my friends. After my run I went back into the common room and thankfully they didn't see me which meant I had time to shower I smelled horrible. The shower was very refreshing I put on my pajamas shorts an my cousin Amber's sweatshirt, she gave it to me before this school year so I could wear it on full moons or just when I missed her and my family. But I never let her know that I wear it. As I exit the dorm and is down next to James on the sofa he was on, while the others were sat around the sofa. James turns his head and looks at me like he's never seen me in his life before, or he was just shocked to see me. Sitting there, next to him.
"Hey um, I just wanted to say sorry." The rest of them look up and are super happy. Sirius especially.
"Sorry for what, I mean you didn't take it very lightly but, that's okay!" He embraced me in a tight hug, as I make eye contact with the sandy-haired boy he was just sitting next to. His eyes poured into mine as if he was trying to read my thoughts, but to only close friends that was possible.
"We can just forget about it, okay." James seemed genuine about this but, forget about it. How could I forget about it,
"Yeah sure, forget about it." I give him a smile back which only causes them to get a smile upon there face as well. We joke around for a while as I realize I left my wand upstairs, now it's not that important but I like to have it on me whenever I can.
"Hey I left my wand upstairs, I'll be right back." I left the area and went upstairs. Lily passed me when I went to the dorm she seemed in such a hurry I don't think she noticed me. I hurried back down to the common room to continue the fun we were having but they weren't there. And last time I checked they were. So where could they be? Lily probably found some new information on the Sliver wolf. Great. My parents said to be careful. So they must have went to the library... as I head there I am stopped by a group of not so friendly Slytherins. I turn around in disgust as I face them. Avery, Evan, Snape, Regulas, and some others but I don't care enough to assign names to their faces. I have seen them many times before, but I never noticed how similar Regulas and Sirius look like each other it was uncanny. With the same jet black hair, steel grey eyes, and those aristocratic features the only difference is their height and length of hair. Snape and the Marauders were known to have fights with each other, so I am not surprised to see a look of disgust on Snape's face when he see's me.
"Oi! Silverstein, we need to talk!" Avery says with a stupid grin on his face, I could wipe that grin clean off his face with on spell or punch, but I knew that I would have to hear what they need to say. Going to library would just have to wait.
"What is it now?" I guess, it couldn't help to add some attitude to my tone. We stood there in silence staring at each other for a while, until Evan, what a bloke, spoke up.
"We didn't come here too stare, Snape go on say it." The rest of the group gave a small chuckle as Evan had this creeping smirk on his face. I hated him the most, he always had this evil thing to him.
"Okay, then say it." Even thought they weren't looking for permission, I was getting tired and board.
" We were wondering..," Snape trying to talk was hilarious, all I saw was a greasy haired git. It's a bit harsh to think that. But it was true I tried my best to hold in my laughter as not wanting to upset them.
"Um... um" I could tell he was shy but the rest were totally not having it. Some of them were rolling their eyes, some were mumbling curses under their breath. It was quite amusing.
"We need you to make another-" Snape's face went blank, Avery began to speak but something stopped him. I think they're staring at me. No, it's something behind me. I turn around and I could swear my heart stopped. And this time I truly froze. It... it, was them. James, Remus, Sirius, Peter, and Lily. Every. Single. One. I was woken out of my trance, when Avery says something,
"Oh seems we have to cut this short have fun explaining this." It was like venom was dripping from his mouth. I could feel the smirk growing on his face. And before I knew it they were gone, I was left there with no explanation for the guys and Lily.
"What are they talking about Rae?" Sirius said with this unreadable expression upon his face.
"It's not what you think I swear if you just let me ex-" I wanted to cry and scream. Not even Claire and Ben knew what I was doing.
"You- you wouldn't. No, I trusted you. WE all trusted you." He was mad. I saw it in all there faces but Lily's who's just looked betrayed. I felt my eyes water.
"I can't say what I was doing, you just need to believe me that I am not hurting anyone." I looked at all of them knowing that I might have just lost the second greatest friends in my life, for something I can't even tell to my family, or friends. Remember what Ben said, 'if they fight to be your friend than their good', think positive, think positive. But how can I think positive when this is the situation. Ben doesn't even know what's happening. It's all my fault.
"That's not an answer Rae!" The mad expression soon turned into rage. And that was it. I was off I don't want to know what happened after I left them.

Word Count:1729

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