She knows

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So sorry I haven't updated! I have not forgot about this story it's just I have been busy with school. Hopefully will post again soon🙏
~Yeah finally a different POV~
I wake up to see a black dog lying next to me. Padfoot. Madame Pomfrey enters and says that I have been out for two days. Must have been a bad full moon. Hope I didn't hurt Prongs and Wormy that bad. What if I did and their in a bed dying right now?
"Boys he's up!" I hear madame Pomfery saying.
"Blimey mate you had us worried!" And there was James with his goofy smile didn't look to bad and neither did Peter. I let out a sigh of relief, how could I ever think such things? But soon their smiles disappeared. As Padfoot gets up and looks around to see if it's clear to transform, it is so he does. Once where a black dog stood is now Sirius Black.
"We need to tell you something." I began to feel a lump in my throat, what did he mean he needed to tell me something? Did Moony hurt someone while on a run? Was there a student who saw us?
"Well when you were here on your first night right after the full moon, some-someone saw you and us and figured I-it out." Peter let out a stutter not even wanting to make eye contact with me.
"Who was it Lily, a Slytherin a-" But when I realized the look on their faces how upset and broken they looked, it was like they betrayed someone. And that could only mean it ways Rae. Bloody, we haven't even hung out that much and I blew it up. Why, why am I such a monster?
"How did- how that's not possible." I said trying to not think about what she could be doing. What she could be thinking. Does she hate me now?
——Time Skip——
(They left the infirmary and are in there dorms after classes ended)
"Mate, don't you remember that day in the library, she studies them it would be stupid if she didn't realize it." Those memories came flooding back, my friends were putting there lives on the line every full moon just to accompany me. Now I have to worry about some girl, thinking I'm a monster. I couldn't believe it she found out, she knows and they haven't seen her since the full moon. She wasn't in class the next day nor was she here over the weekend. But can you blame her I mean it takes time to get to understand my condition right, well the marauders were by my side the moment I told them. But Rae knows what a werewolf really is, she knows the cruel things werewolves do each night the moon is full. She know everything there is to know, she thinks I'm a monster. Because I am a monster. This pain was worse, not like when I told the guys, or should I say when they found out. It pains me to think of the look on her face when she saw me all cut up and bandaged. What a horrible sight to see, it wasn't even just me she saw the sat of my friends, she saw what I had done to them. She probably thinks I made them join me on full moons. Why, why am I such a monster...
"Hey stop it Remus, she's going to come back maybe her family sent her a letter saying she needed to come home immediately." I look up from the book I was pretending to read when I hear James break me out of thought. He smelled probably just came back from Quidditch practice.
"You smell." I said with a smile tugging at me lips. He put a heart on his chest like I really hurt him.
"How- " but Padfoot came in and threw a pillow at him,
"You really do smell Prongs." The look of disbelief brought all of us into a laughter.
"Fine I will go take a shower, don't want to be smelling bad for my Lily." After James want to the bathroom, we sat there in silence trying to hold off the question we have all been wondering. Where is Rae?
I got up and left to go find Lily remembering that Rae is in her dorm room maybe she's seen her in there. I grab the Marauders Map and she she's in the library.
——Time Skip——
" We haven't seen her all day and weekend." I had my brows furrowed thinking of all the possibilities. Lily didn't know I was a werewolf so I told her that James a Sirius made a joke the severely offended her. James is going to kick me for that one. Hopefully he'll understand why I had to do it.
"Strange, I saw her once in my dorm this morning." She gave me a reassuring smile. If she was here why was she avoiding us? Could I have really chased her away? Has she told anyone, could she be afraid of me?
" She didn't say anything to you?" My anxiety only growing, what if she told Lily about me? She wouldn't do though? Would she?
" We don't usually talk but next time I see her I can tell her you're looking for her and are really sorry about what happened." My breathing slowed the thought of seeing Rae again and being able to explain everything helped.
"Thanks Lily." She gave me a sweet smile and reached out her hand to my shoulder.
"What are friends for Remus, if you want to talk more about Rae you know where to find me." She gave a mischievous smile that only happened when she had an idea. I scratched the back of my nape to try and figure out why? Was it because there will be more problems in the future?
" Uh yeah sure, talk more about Rae." I said as she noticed the look of confusion on my face and began to explain.
" I've seen the way you look at her, in classes when you're in my dorm room watching movies and eating chocolate." Her lips curled up not a smile. I began to blush at her words. Rae didn't seem to remember me but I have seen her a few times throughout school. It seems Lily has caught on it. But I will not be admitting it.
"I don't know what you're talking about Lily." I could feel my checks burn as she looked at me in the eyes.
" Well even if you don't know what I mean now, when you come to your senses I am here to talk, about anything not just love problems." Does she know? No. if she did she would have mentioned it. She isn't the type of person to do something like that.
"Speaking about love problems... how is James?" I let out a small laugh. She took her parchment and hit me lightly in the head with it.
" It will never amount to anything." She gave me a warning look. Yeah right, with his pestering she has to have some feelings.
"Well you might not realize this now but when you come to your senses you will, and I will be here to talk." She hit me again with the parchment paper but this time was not so lightly.
"Buger off Remus, I am studying." She said jokingly. I left Lily in the Library and headed back to the dormitories but not before stopping in the kitchen to get some more chocolate.
——Time Skip——
Sirius and James are playing chess, Peter is working on the transfiguration paper. And me Remus John Lupin is reading a book. I don't know what it is about since I have been lost in thought when the common door opens. My head lifts up and my jaw drops. I couldn't believe my eyes. I look to the guys to see if i was dreaming it, but they had the same look of disbelief, it- it was Rae. I swear I could jump up and hug her, wait no, I don't want to hug her, I am just saying that because I am excited to see her that's all. But she has little scraps and cuts in her face little but noticeable. She doesn't stop to look around just heads straight to her dorm. I see Lily get up from where she was sitting and goes to follow are into the dorm room. But before she does too turns to me and mouths
"You owe me one." Seeing the last of her bright red hair I "continue" reading.

Word Count: 1461
~Poem credited in picture~

Word Count: 1461(Edited)~Poem credited in picture~

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