Lies Part 2

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Hello! The story begins to get interesting at this part :) Hope you had something to eat and drank some water as well! It's gonna be a long chapter btw

We haven't seen much of her over the past month. But with the full moon coming up she was sure to make an appearance. Unfortunately, Remus was already depressed, to add on a full moon definitely will not make it any better.
"Hey Remus cheer up mate we can go to the library today." I said with a little bit of hope that he would say yes. I don't really like to go but.. whatever it takes to make him a bit happier.
"No I think I should get some sleep, been tried. I am also busy today." Not to my surprise he said no, again. But what does he mean he's busy?
"You're busy? What's Moony doing today that he can't go to his favorite place?" I said with a smirk growing on my face.
"Oh my Quidditch practice." James sits down at the table in full Quidditch gear,
"Oh you poor thing, You have to sit through that." Lily, who was definitely eavesdropping whether she'll admit it or not, said to Remus in a sarcastic tone.
"Would you like to join, Lily?" He said with that gross lovey look he always gave Evans.
"Hey guys look it's the owl post!" Peter exclaimed before she could spit back a comment.
"Oh yeah." Remus looked up from his oats that he's yet to touch.
A barn owl swoops down to drop an envelope on my lap. Immediately I knew who it was from and so did everyone else. Was I planning on opening this one up? It's probably the same screeching of disappointment. But it for sure wasn't going to be in front of all my friends. I try to distract myself from the terrors in this letter. Why can't they  leave me alone already?

Days have past and I still haven't read the letter. The full moon is tomorrow night. Everyone is passed out and I am the only one left awake in the dorm. I leave the room not wanting anyone to hear me open the letter, you never know who is truly sleeping, I grab it out of my desk and leave. I peak my head out to make sure no ones in the common room. I hold the envelope in my hands and I open it has I start to read I find my self start to cry and it doesn't stop it just comes pouring out like I just opened the gates to an ocean of tears. I curl up on the armchair closing my eyes shut when I feel someone's arms around me. I thought it was Remus or James. But it was... Lily? I guess I didn't check the entire room. I wipe the tears from my face, how could I let anyone see me like this. I feel so vulnerable, it's horrible.
"Sirius it's okay, I won't tell anyone about this." She gave me a empathetic look, seems like I am not the only one with a crappy family.
"Thanks." I give a small smile to reassure her that I am okay. Am I though? Of course I am, I'm bloody Sirius Black for Merlins sake.
"You wanna take about it, I won't judge." No. She can't know anymore, I have to stay strong, can't show any tears. 'Not one single drop' as the old hag would say.
"No I am okay really, I am." I gave yet another fake smile. At least she's buying it.
"Okay do you want to talk about anything else?" Now that I really looked at her she looked awful, not in a rude way. But she had bags under eyes looked like she's been crying, a lot.
"Yeah I do, d' you ever see Rae in the dorms?" It looks like that didn't help but she answered it anyway.
"All the time, but she doesn't speak to me as much." I could see the tears she was holding back.
"So... she isn't talking, great. But at least she didn't leave completely like last time." Brought some light to this dark situation.
"No she just needs some time alone that's all." We said are goodbyes and promised never to mention this to anyone, not that we didn't do anything. It's just, we were both crying.( I always loved there friendship)

When I step out of the bathroom from my morning shower I see Remus sacked on his bed, then it hit me today's the full moon. The thing the Remus dreads the most. The whole day me and James planned out the full moon. We planned to go on a run through the forest with Moony, Prongs, Padfoot and Wormtail. We had set to leave the common room at 8:00 which would give us about 23 minutes to get him ready and make sure we have all the potions for after. Time ticked away as we sat in the common room waiting for the clock to chime eight. Everyone was quietly studying, I could feel the tension between us all. James was trying to make us laugh but with everything going on no one wanted to laugh. For it seemed like hours it was finally eight we jumped to are feet and told everyone we best get a good night sleep; like any of use ever do. We run to the dorm grab the invisibility clock and the Marauders map and wait for someone to leave or enter the common room letting us go without any suspicion. We took the Whomping Willow path seeing no one was there. We were walking to the Shrieking Shack when Remus says something.
"You know you don't have to come to every full moon." He says this every time.
"Of course we do we are you best friend." James says giving him a small pat on the back.
"Yeah we wouldn't be if we weren't plus we don't mind it." We really didn't most nights it was fun. Most nights.
"Okay fine just hope the wolf takes it easy on you guys I hate the thought that-" He always says this we keep telling him it will never happen.
"Don't finish that sentence, because it's not gonna happen Moony." James was constantly making sure we all were okay and happy. Never has there gone a a day where he doesn't ask. He's such a great friend.
"James is right it won't happen." I gave Remus a smile to let him know that whatever happens it's going to be okay.

Opheliaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن