Normal Part 1

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Hello dear readers, I truly apologize for the late post I kinda got a bit depressed, but I am back so hopefully there will be more consistent updates!
Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter and stay safe

I was sitting In the dorm room Peter and Remus were working on a transfiguration paper and Sirius was on a date with some fourth year. Everything's been great, Rae hasn't left abruptly and Remus seems...better. But what's been bothering me is why  he act so weird around Rae. I definitely will figure it out later but I had to get to afternoon practice. After all I am the team captain.
"Come on guys we can do so much better than that we have a game coming up this weekend and we need to win against Slytherin!" Truth be told they were doing fine. Of course because I have trained them well. But I wanted to see them do there best and this definitely was not it.
"James, we have been at this for hours know can we take a five minute break" Angela said the team looked exhausted, have I been working them too much?
"Angela this in what.."
"Oh look is Sirius!" I turn around to see my best forensic walking towards us.
"C'mon Sirius I was about to give a motivational captains speech!" Ruined a good moment.
"Okay there mate let's get you back to the dorm room before you kill all your players." He let out a small chuckle. But then again he does have a point.
"Well they should know some discipline" But so was I!
"So can we leave" Ugh, way to go Sirius. I guess we have more time for prank planning though.
"Yes you can but don't think this means no early practice Saturday!" Ha! Thought they could get away that easily!
Once I got into my uniform and everyone left, I could sense Sirius wanted to say something.
"So... I read my parents letter..." oaky James, got to be there for him. Whatever he says. Hopefully it's not to bad.
"Was it bad?" I didn't know what to say he has only read me a few letters but I never want to pry out the information from him.
"Worse then the last few times." Ugh, how I hate his mother! Blimey I hate her more than losing a Quidditch game!
"I am so sorry if you ever need anything." I gave him a hug. Even though I knew he doesn't want a hug right now, but I don't want my best friend feeling unloved.
"I know, I know" he hugged me back and I had a splendid idea.
"Okay now shall we go to the dorm to make our little Moony laugh." I saw a mischievous smirk grow on Sirius' face, oh Moony you have no idea what's in store for you.
"I think we shall and while we are at that plan another prank for the Slytherins." Oh Sirius you will forever be my best friend! We were like brothers I swear if you saw us walking together you would think we were. Ever since we met we were inseparable. As we head to the common room we over hear ugh...Sneviliss and Regulus talking about 'getting her to join their side' I could immediately tell Sirius knew what they meant. It felt like my heart was beating out of my chest as we ran to the dorms. The words that were spoken by Regulus play over and over in my mind. We enter the common room to find them all sitting by the fire playing a championship game of wizards chess it was Remus vs Rae and by the looks of it Sirius was almost I could swear he looked at them weird. Almost happy?But that couldn't be, right? Why would he be doing that does he know something? Could they be dating!? Woah I can't be jumping to conclusions here!
"Hey guys, oh are you okay looks like you have seen a ghost, I thought by now though you would be used to that" Remus says while she begins to laugh.
"Do you have to be so rude?" Lily said in a joking manner, only making them laugh more.
"Of course I do!" Remus said watching Rae laugh, was he blushing?! No I need to check my glasses I don't tuning there working anymore. I cannot be making assumptions!
"Rae... Avery and his friends are trying to get you on their side." Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. Lily looked so pretty when she was laughing I forget everything.
"What?!" Their laughter stopped as Lily's face went blank. Rae looked mortified. Remus and Peter we're looking at Sirius in shock, it was like the whole common room shut down. It was quiet for a moment while everyone stressed on what Sirius had said.
"No, your joking this is all some joke right?!" As Remus spoke he looked at us frantically...
"Yeah no, me and Sirius over heard them talking about it." I could see a shine in Lily's eyes, all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around her and never let go but I can't.
"Well we should let them know that she is not. She won't and will never right Rae you promised Lily that!" Remus was acting frantic I think he's beginning to hyperventilate!
"Remus calm down! Breathe just breathe! Blimey I will never join them! How many times do I have to say this to you I am not going anywhere." Slowly he's breathing calmed down and he wasn't as frantic. But... how did she calm him down? It takes us a couple of minutes usually to calm him. Why did it take her five seconds?
"So what's the plan" Rae's hands were on still on Remus' shoulders but she looked at us with a calm face. How can she be so calm right now? She's being targeted!!!!
"Shouldn't we wait for them to come to us first, lets see what they have to say and continue from there." Lily was right we shouldn't make a plan without all the information.
"Yeah sorry guys, you know I would love to mess with the Slytherins. But I'm with Lily on this one." I tried siding with her hoping she would see that I can be very wise with my decisions. As in our last conversation she said I was the dumbest person she's ever met.
"Okay fine we wait for their move." Sirius seemed disappointed. But that's all we did; all we did was wait.

Word Count: 1103
Hope you have a wonderful day/night please stay safe, and don't forget to drink some water!

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