I was about to head over when a heavy shoulder slammed into me from behind. I took a look and saw that it was the weird guy again. I think his name was Gittarckur, I gave him a smile but all he did was stare at me.

"I didn't mean to do that." He said.

"Sure thing. No worries." I said, raising my palms to reassure him, although his apology seemed a little bit bland.

He got over his novelty and gave me that look again. Then he disappeared to the crowd. Something about him which was making me feel uncomfortable in his presence. Wish I could pull those pins out of his face.

I soon boarded the ship. I quickened my steps trying to get where the people are but it seems like they all went to rest in their rooms. Strangely, Gon and the squad was nowhere in sight.

I'd lost sight of the remaining participants and decided to just sit down and stare at the view.

Then as in that moment an unearthed memory of mine surged through my mind.

"You're an old man Gakukanji, but your health is good. Bet you'll live more years," A man said. "Four or Five years in that time you should be ready in passing the position to your Granddaughter,"

"Dr. Sakamoto, those pills that I ask of you, are they here yet?" My grandfather was quite irritated.

"I see..." the doctor replied, taking something out of his bag. "here,"

They were talking about some pills that Gakukanji requested him to make but I couldn't remember what are those for. There was an idea inside of my head but I hope it wasn't like that.

"You're still into that, huh?" The doctor said. "For all we know she's the rightful heir of—"

"You're too nosy for a doctor,"

That's when I took notice of his appearance. He taken off his shirt and saw his loose-fitting skin. He was now like a bruised fruit.

But then the doctor handed him some blue colored pills. "Remember, you can't keep this glory in your palms."

While I try my best to remember things more, a voice called out to me and two strong arms shoved my body side to side. And then I blinked as if my body had woken from a deep slumber.


I turned to the side and saw Gon's worried eyes and soon followed by the other's worried glances.

"You almost fell to the floor, good thing Gon had caught you," it was Kurapika and helped me stood to my feet.

I was still bewildered. I was still processing that sudden flashback I got. It was weird when I could only remember half of it.

"Fischl, why are you out here, all alone?"

"Oh, I was finding all of you and got lost in the way," I snapped back to reality. "So how did you guys manage to find me?"

"Beans just announced something, didn't you hear it?"

"He did?" I thought to myself. Why I haven't heard of it then?

"Anyways," Leorio cut me off. "He said he would call us one by one and the president will receive us in a conversation,"

Soon they guys went when  their tags got called. Oddly enough, I was the last person to to be called.

When I went out of the doors, I was shocked to be greeted by Beans himself.

"Netero requested me to personally escort you to him," Beans started. "So all you have to do is follow me,"

I was bothered to meet him as I didn't have the chance to clean myself -or at least make myself look decent. But then again, we all just got back, he probably wouldn't mind. I could already feel the satisfaction, once I got to wash myself up.

During the trip, Beans and I didn't bother to utter a word until we stopped at the end of the hallway. Then all of a sudden he said. "We're here,"

Then realization hit me, this wasn't the reception room.

We entered a room and was met with dark gray walls and a filthy smell coming off somewhere.

Then at the center of the room, I saw Netero and the other examiners. They were huddling in the white box.

"Fischl," Netero called out to me. His eyes were reluctant, I could tell. Then it shifted to the box right in front of them.

Curiosity filled me as the box—it is where the filthy smell came out of.

"It was sent by your grandfather. By the looks of it, you shouldn't bother opening it."

But I ignored him and went to open the box only to regret the move after. I felt the bile beginning to spike up my throat. It was the head of my mom or rather my fake mom.

The other persons on the room gasped at the sight but I knew that they knew that would be in there.

"I-We heard the news about your grandfather. Even I was shocked of it and couldn't believe it."

"What?" I managed to asked. I took a step back and was now wary of them. How did they know?

"An email was sent to us by the Jujutsu Council telling your Grandfather had betrayed them,"

"It was something along the lines of "Gakukanji stealing the remaining fragments of Sukuna,"

I couldn't hear his remaining statements. If Gakukanji already got them then that could possibly mean one thing.

He's now out there to get me. 


Sheesh, I'm back 

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