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I unconsciously gripped the hem of my sleeves the moment I stepped at the market place of Zaban City. The navigator was busy spouting some words that just rang to my ear. I didn't even bother listening to him that seriously, I was busy looking around as it was my first time to see that many people.

My Grandfather was protective of me the moment he knew I possessed cursed technique the same as his wife. I couldn't blame him tho but he treated me more like his own child than my father, maybe that is the reason why father loathed me so much.

"As navigators, it is our job to identify worthy applicants and accompany them to the Hunter Exam site. " the guide muttered and I held his dress when I felt he was walking faster than I am. "The place will be impossible to find without a navigator,"

"I see," I said without taking my eyes off the stalls we passed by,

"We're here," he declared pointing at a shabby looking restaurant just beside a fancy building. I wasn't surprised, I mean, I heard from the others that the hunter exam is well-known and attracts thousands so it's pretty normal to hold it in there.

We entered the restaurant and I was about to sit on one of the stools when the navigator spoke something to the guy at the counter.

"Is the backroom available?"

The moment he said that, the man gave us a stern look.

"What are you having?" he said raising a brow.

"Steak Combo, the one that'll make us see the light, for one please."

His eyes then darted at me and gave me a harsh look. "I see...so how'd like them?"

"Grilled slowly over a low flame till done,"

"See yourself to the backroom then,"

"Ok, wait here," the navigator said as I sat down at one of the chairs."This is my stop, go have fun."

She shut the door leaving me there, pondering on things. Then all of my emotions that I was suppressing for days went down on me. I actually felt homesick, I missed the warmth I always felt whenever I am at home. I am not used to being alone and also not used to being surrounded by unknown people.

It's not that I grew up antisocial, I just feel that there's a gap between me and the others.

The room began to move as I let out a breath. I decided to make myself look presentable. I was flattening out the creases of my clothes when the room halted.


I opened the door and was greeted by an immensely flow of aura. It was a darkened room and I felt all the looks the men gave me as I took a step inside. I mentally gulped and was about to take another step when a green-bean looking guy went to me and gave me a badge.

"Applicant 406, here's your badge" he was all smiley, I envied that enthusiasm. "You must keep it on your chest at all times,"

"Got it," I replied and shortly after he disappeared.

I was about move from my spot when a can of soda blocked my vision. I took a step back and saw a man smiling widely at me. From the looks of it, he looks like he is planning something bad.

"I haven't seen you here before, are you new?"

"Yeah," I replied nonchalantly. I scanned him from head to toe, he seems pretty average and is not a threat. But to be honest skills are lacking, why did he bother joining the Hunter Exam?

"I'm Tonpa, by the way," He laid his hand at me but I didn't bother taking it. "It's my 35th attempt to take the Hunter Exam, how about you, what's your name?"

"No," I said and raised my hand to stop him from advancing.

I saw him grimace at what I did. He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. He was becoming irritated with me and I kinda like it.

"Aw, I didn't know you were that shy~"He then laid his arm in front of me. "Here have some of my juice, you must be thirsty,"

"Thanks but no thanks,"

"Stop being so difficult, I'm trying to be nice here,"

"Hey, I don't like repeating myself. When I said no, it means NO. End of discussion."

"You are just being shy,"

"You are quite eager huh,"

I turned to look at the can he was offering, I stared at it for seconds before squashing it using my mind. Tonpa stared at the cans in disbelief, he then starting to sweat bullets and trembled in fear. 

I leaned on his side and whispered something.

"Run, before I do that to your body," and with that, he scrambled away from me and didn't even dared to look back. I ran my fingers to my hair to untangle some knots, It's been days since I have combed them, I didn't have time to fix them as I was racing to get here in time.

"Wow! how did you do that?" A boy suddenly appeared before me. His hair was the first thing I noticed since it was all spiked up, making me wonder what kind of gel he used to keep it like that for hours. I mean...It looked more stable than me and father's relationship.

"Cursed energy and technique," I muttered even though I knew he wouldn't get it. He sweat dropped and stared at me in confusion.

"We saw what you did there," a blonde boy suddenly butted in, coming with this old dude in a suit. "I'm Kurapika, by the way,"

"Leorio, here,"

"And I'm Gon!" the kid with gravity defying hair said. Based on my first impression I think Gon is the same age with me.

I scanned them and I could see they have potential skills but it wasn't fully furnished yet. It made me wonder how will they do it but it seems that time could only tell.

"Fischl," I said, feeling a little shy, it's been long since I have introduced myself this seemed weird to me.

"That's too difficult to pronounce, can I call you Fiz instead?"

"Sure, Gon,"

"What's up with the blindfold though?"

I stopped and looked at Leorio for a second before I could even speak the Kurapika guy slapped his side.

"Oh, is it too personal for you? Yikes, I'm sorry," I let out a laugh and swayed my head sideways.

"I wear it to hide my eyes," I said pointing to my blindfold. Then I felt Kurapika tense up at what I said. 'Did I say something wrong?'

"I see,"

After waiting around, all of the applicants started to hear bells ringing. Then a gate, made out of steel started to open revealing a man with purple hair and a funny-looking mustache.

"I'm sorry for that convenience but the entry period for the Hunter Exam is now officially closed, So without further ado the hunter exams shall begin,"

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