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The path through the forest disappeared little by little and I was met with tall and large grasses that I obviously ignored, who knows what dwells in there. With that I've taken off my blindfold. Walking on a day like this is difficult but I was grateful that a fierce wind from sea blew the thoughts off my mind.

"It's been years since I felt this peaceful,"

I shielded my eyes from the harsh glare of the sun. I had no idea what I was doing in the moment. I was just walking, staring and wondering. I knew that I was vulnerable at the moment since I don't where my opponent is yet I seemed to looked over it. I couldn't deny that the path from here towards the sea was beautiful.

"Whatcha doin?"

I immediately jumped from my spot when I heard that voice. I looked to where the voice came from and saw Hisoka. I rolled my eyes and changed my stance.


"Nothing, I saw how your eyes glittered as you stare in awe?" He took a step closer. "what is it that you find fascinating?"

"The sea," I said while pointing it out with my index finger. "Err, I don't know why maybe because it looks wispy and radiant from here,"

"Hmm really?"


"You know what the sea reminds me off?" He suddenly asked.


"You." He laughed. "Also, it's funny how you reminded me off the napalm skies,"

I nervously laughed at him and almost thought he was referring to my eyes. But he couldn't possibly know about that, right? Right.

"This is weird," He stopped mid sentence as he held his face. "I rarely compliment people I don't like."

I stopped as my lips tugged downwards. My face tightened as I stare at him for a moment. He's...I don't know why he's like that towards me, I didn't even do anything wrong. But I mustered enough courage and face him on. 

"Finally showing your true colors?" I smirked at what he said.

"Maybe?" He laughed again. "I just feel there's something off from you and I don't like it,"

"Hmm...interesting, how do you say so?"

"I don't get frightened with people but you?," he said. " I feel threatened by you"

I gulped at what he said. He then attempted to punch me but was unable to do so. I saw how his fist float in the air.

"I'm curious about you...how is it that you are able to do this?"

I didn't answer him. I have no intention to tell him about this, I don't even know if he is a friend or a foe. The tension between us was starting to rise but I don't want to waste my time fighting him when he's not my target.

"Also, I didn't like how you cling to Gon." He flip on of his cards out of his pocket. "I want you to stay away from him

"What? Really?" I exasperated a sigh in disbelief "That's absurd—"

"You'll bring destruction to him," He mumbled. "Retreat this competition and I will let you off easily—"

"No, I get to do what I want to do, Hisoka" I said. "Mind your own business or I won't let you off easily too, you already said it yourself that you feel threatened by me then better get your ass away from me now before I demonstrate it you,"

He licked his lips which rubbed me the wrong way. I was starting to get irritated and wanted to punch him but I know it will be irrational to do so.

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