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"Why can't you answer my question? Is it really that hard?" He said. "Or perhaps...you're someone who is not normal,"

"As if everyone here is normal, Hisoka. What makes me different from them?" I said. My fists clenched when he wasn't swayed. "You are just overthinking things. Maybe that's the result of not having enough rest,"

"Stop playing mind games with me. I know what you are."

"I just want to be a hunter, just like everybody else."

I peered into his face and saw him licked something off from his hands. He soon giggled and gripped his stomach to stop them from coming.

"And you expect me to to believe that," I felt bile and dread spike up my throat. I thought to my self: Shit, I have to do something about this.

He was getting in position. I knew his attacks wouldn't lay on me but then again, I couldn't risk showing these to another person let alone a clown looking guy who thinks I'm the enemy here.

It was very late in the night, I was planning to retreating but all I got is this? The fight rather foolish but looking upon his eagerness, I might have to give in.

"Do you really want to fight me?"

Instead of getting a reply a card nearly slashed my face. It got stuck on the tree behind me (They were at a great distance). I quietly let out a laugh.

"Give me ten seconds then,"

I stretched my muscles as he circled around me and within second he dashes forward, I could easily read his moves now that I haven't worn my blindfold.

He threw punches there but they didn't land on my body, not even once. I noticed his fast reflexes as he knew where my punch will land.

He's strong but I am also. I wouldn't just lose to anyone.

"I can't believe, I'm doing this,"

"Then surrender, Fischl." He replied and gave me a side eye. "Although, I wouldn't want that. I want to see your potential."

I kept dodging his moves and just let my feet do my work. My hand were neatly placed on my pockets as he kept throwing punches at me.

"C'mon show me what you got!" He giggled. Then I could smell that deadly aura of his. It made me sick but I have to hold out.

I clasped both of my hands when I noticed someone watching from afar. No, it wasn't just someone, it's a group of people.

"We gathered an audience, Hisoka,"

I said before grabbing his arm and twirled him on the air. He was caught off guard and with that I launched a powerful blow on his stomach which made him fly across the field.

I saw him cough out blood. "My, my, Hisoka. I'm not even starting yet."

I soon clasped my mouth in shock. Those words just came out, I didn't think first! I mentally slapped my cheeks.

He dashed again but this time he change his strategy by leaving his after images. And then card almost slipped through my infinity, if I hadn't activated it sooner.

"Just what are you!"

"I'm no one."

With a blink of an eye, I summoned a red beam within my fingertips and with that he was blown away again. That knocked out him for sure.

Standing on the edge of the crowded platform the morning after, my eyes went back to the forest again, checking if Kiko was still there, watching me. The squad took a glimpse of me and even called out my name as they were boarding the ship.

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