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After learning each other's reason for becoming a hunter, the two boys race and as expected they both reached the top in seconds.

"Goal!" They both shouted upon arrival. Satotz looked at them, curiously.

"Yay I won," Gon declared raising his hand at the air as he face Killua who was looking at him, unfazed.

"What are you talking about? I was faster!" Killua argued.

Both of them started bickering, stating themselves as way more faster than the other. they didn't even bother looking at the examiner, who was standing there, gazing from a far.

"Hey who was faster?"

"I believe you both crossed the line, simultaneously, but in terms of who got here first..." Satotz trailed off pointing his index finger at the distance. "It's the girl over there,"

Both of the boys looked at what he was pointing at and saw Fishcl picking up weeds at the side, bickering something to herself. They felt shocked to see her already there as they last saw her, she was with Kurapika and Leorio, so how did she ended up finishing first? Both of them thought about it.

"I think we have to buy her dinner then, " Gon laughed off, sticking his tongue out.

Soon the applicants reached the top and the three of them decided to sit by the entrance and wait for their other friends.

"Hey, is this our last destination?" Kurapika turned to look at the group when he reached the exit. Fischl waved her hand at him but stopped when she realizes what she's doing. She awkwardly settled her hand on her knees and turned to the other side.

"Nope!" she heard Gon replied to his question. She decided to stole glance but she was shocked when Kurapika was still looking at her.

"Oh no! What did I do?!" she panicked and ended up shouting her thoughts at loud.

She gasped and clasped her hand at her mouth before deciding to disappear into the crowd. The boys called for her but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Ugh, well?" Killua spoke while scratching the back of his head. He then turned to his friend who was worried at Fischl. "We'll meet her anyways so don't worry Gon,"

On the other hand, Fischl tried her best to stay calm but it seems like her heart couldn't take it anymore. She was trying to be composed but she guess kinda messed it up.

"Wow, I ended up looking like a fanatic, I better stop, that was so embarrassing,"

"Who are you talking to, little one?"

She turned to look up and saw a man dressed...weirdly. 'He looks like he was about to go to the carnival or something' she thought as she stared at his clothes. She subconsciously gulped and stood up to meet his level.

"Can I help you with something?" she asked while she looked for the boys behind her.

Suddenly the man lifted his fist and Fischl quickly activated her infinity to avoid getting hit. As expected, the man's fists remained in midair stopping at the space between him and her.

"I see..." the man suddenly laughed out loud. Lifting his hand in the air, he turned to look at her while licking his lips. "This is exciting,"

Fischl raised her brows at him, then took a step back before deciding to go back to the group, she just took several steps when Gon appeared in front of her.

"Are you okay? We saw what Hisoka did to you,"

First Person's Point of View

I nodded at Gon's question as I sat down back to my spot. I looked around and still noticed that the Hisoka guy was still looking at me. I took a good look at him earlier and it seems like he isn't just an ordinary person. I could feel an overflowing nen emitting from his body and add the fact that he finds about my infinity.

This what I feared the most when I agreed at my Grandfather's deal.

"Hey, Fiz, you're quiet again," Killua started and nudge my shoulder.


"You're spaced out again," he stated and leaned to take a good look at me. "Did Hisoka said something to you?"


"Don't worry, we'll protect you from him,"

They are really on something. I chuckled at their kindness and told them not to worry about me but they were too determined. I noticed Kurapika was still looking at me, curiously.

I started to feel that he was quite suspicious of me now, well I couldn't blame him, I didn't say anything about myself or the reason why I am here. My thoughts soon faded when Satotz declared something.

"This place is called Numere Wetlands, also known as Swindler's swamp, in order to reach the exam's phase two we must crossed these wetlands first. This place is home to numerous bizarre animals. Some of them are cunning, insatiable creatures who deceive humans to prey on them." He carefully stated it and made sure everybody heard it, he then proceeded to back up more information.

"Be very careful, if you let them fool you, you're dead," he trailed off as the entrance behind them began to close leaving other applicants inside. "These Wetland creatures will use every trick in the book to fool their prey. An ecosystem where they use deceit to obtain food, hence the name Swindler's Swamp, so make sure to stay close to me to avoid that,"

"He's lying to you!" an injured man suddenly went up and shouted. "He's an imposter!"

The man explained himself as the real examiner, making the other applicants doubt. I chuckled at these fools, it's clearly seen who's real and who's not.

The man pulled out a man-faced ape and other applicants are now convinced that Satotz-san is indeed an imposter. But it all died down when the clown threw his cards at the injured man and to Satotz. The man fell into the ground while Satotz caught those cards with his bare hands.

"I see that settles it, you're the real examiner," Hisoka affirmed, flipping his cards.

"So he's the real examiner then," someone gasps from the crowd.

"The examiners are hunters, selected by the committee to perform this duty without pay," Hisoka added, "Any hunter, bearing the title we seek, would have been able to dodge that attack,"

"I will take that as a compliment,"Satotz stated, giving Hisoka a look.

"However, should you attack me again for any reason, I will report you for turning on an examiner and will immediately disqualify you," he warned.


Then vultures flocked at the man's body, eating it with no restraints. My spine shivered at the sight. However, thinking how wrong that is, it's normal for these creatures after all this is their habitat and we are just passing on it.

"Nature can be really brutal to watch," Leorio gulped.

"So he was a man faced-ape as well," Kurapika concluded.

Satotz proceeded to explain that the creature was trying to fool us to make some us of go with them. I let out a sigh, this hunter exam probably isn't that boring. Glad that I took it then.

"You will be encountering them on regular basis, I believe that a number of you were fooled into suspecting me" some applicants became flustered with what Satotz said. "do you understand, if you lose sight of me in the Numere Wetlands Fog, you will never reach the second phase of the exam,"

With that everyone of us started running, focusing in the front to make sure not to lose the examiner.

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