Eleanor turned to look at me.

"They really are looking for you" Layla commented and I nodded.

I sighed before unwrapping Theo's hands from around my waist and taking a seat back on the couch. Theo sighed at me before coming and sitting next to me.

"You do know that you can't keep on running forever right?" He stated and I nodded.

"I know but I have a new life now and I don't know if I can just drop everything I'm doing and go back to the life I had before" I said and the other nodded before a girl ran in the room and rushed up to her dorm.

"Hey Sydney!" Eleanor yelled up to the girl.

"Yeah, what's up?" She peeked her head through the hallway at the top of the stairs.

"If you're looking for the book that has the information about last weeks potions class I gave it to Georgia, she asked for it" Eleanor responded and Sydney nodded before coming back down that stairs and saw me.

"Hey Sapphire right?" She asked and I nodded.

"They are right about you looking like your great grandmother Ruby" She commented and I shrugged one shoulder.

"I never met Ruby so I wouldn't know. All I know about her was that she was my Grandmother Valka's mother" I said and Sydney nodded in understanding.

"Hey Sydney, can I talk to you for a moment" Another voice said from round the corner.

Another girl poked her head around the corner and looked at us.

"Sure what's up?" Sydney responded before the girl gestured for her to head with her out of the common room.

Sydney left after waving goodbye to us, leaving us alone to be with each other and ourselves. I went back to reading my book about a famous Netball player and what she went through as she tried to get into the team she's in now.

"So guys how long do you think until they give up?" Eleanor suddenly said and I looked up from my book to look her in the eyes.

"Until who give up?" Theo asked.

"The police. How long do you think they are going to search for Sapph until they decide to call it quits?" She explained and I looked at everyone else before shaking my head.

"They won't give up" I said and everyone looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?" Zoey asked me and I sighed before explaining.

"With my parents being the kind of people they are, they won't give up. My mother is super caring and my father is really overprotective of me so they won't let the police give up until they find me, even if it takes years"

"So what are you going to do? Just hide in the shadows forever?" Felix asked me and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know but what I do know is that I will be living with Eleanor in her house in hogsmeade for the Christmas holidays" I explained again and Eleanor nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, my parents have already said loud and clear that if she doesn't want go back home to her parents my mom and dad would be happy to take her in. Besides as everyone knows they to were students here and I think Sapph needs to get used to being around people of her own kind now" Eleanor clarified and I nodded.

"But Ellie she can't just stay hidden forever. Sooner or later the police are going to start calling to case a murder case and will want to find her body. Then what?" Zoey announced an I was the one to speak up this time.

"Zoey we'll worry about the later, later, right now I have made my decision and I'm sticking to it until I can figure out what to do with my life"

"Fine, just don't go doing anything you are going to regret later, please" She asked and nodded before looking at the clock on the wall.

"Guys I'm gonna go and take a walk. I feel like I'm starting to suffocate in here" I stated before putting my book down on the table in front of me and heading out the common room for a walk.


I walked through the corridors before heading outside into the courtyard and bumping into something. I fell to the ground with a large and loud thud before looking up to see to the person I don't want to bump into.

"Just a stupid and clumsy as Ruby aren't you Sapphire" The girl from Slytherin said while shaking her head.

"Who are you and how do you know my name or who Ruby is?" I said rather rudely as I picked myself up off the grass.

"My name's Keela and I know much my than you think I do. I know That you have a twin sister called Summer and your Grandmothers name is Valka and the fact that Ruby was her mother" She said and I started to back off and walked towards the forest nearby but she followed me.

"Look I don't know what I did to you but can we just talk about this and be grownups. It's probably just a misunderstanding"

said trying to ease the situation but she looked like r blood had just boiled over to the point of no return.

"A misunderstanding! Do you have any idea what Ruby did to my family Line?!" She yelled and I just ran not knowing what else to do.

I look behind me as I ran into the forest and saw Keela was running after me. I ran into the forest and hid behind a tree. Unfortunately for me though she saw where I had gone to and followed me. I went to reach in my pocket for my wand but then realise it was still in my dorm.


"Today will be the day I take back what you stole from me!" She yelled and did the thing I was least expecting.

She jumped in the air and some kind of creature had taken her place. What is going on?!


Hi guys so... Yeah sorry about the cliffhanger 😈 But he next part will have to wait until next chapter. Hope you all enjoyed the chapter though sorry there wasn't much happening but next chapter will be filled with action.

Now a little while ago I was nominated by @ToothlessLover777 to say 10 things about myself so guess I will have to do it sometime, so here they are;

1. I am a girl

2. I live in Australia

3. I can speak 7 different languages (English Japanese, italian, spanish, swedish, Indonesian, Korean)

4. I own a cat called Billy (Boy)

5. I am 14 years of age

6. @tbs1704 is my Wattpad BAE!!!

7. My favorite thing to do is read comments from my readers and appreciate what they have done for me, Read books, write books, sing, act and dance during my freetime.

8. I am a very Loyal person and will listen to whatever problems my friends and family have if they want to share it.

9. I am in love with anime

10. I hope that I can get to know my readers better as time goes on and really connect with them

Hope this helps you guys get to know me a little better. I nominate;




Have fun guys

Thanks for the support you guys have been giving me and my books. I will see you guys in the next chapter.

Luv ya guys

Tia 💋💋💋💋

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