Thank You

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Let's Talk


Again, thank you for supporting this book until the end despite of its flaws (esp grammatical)... although I haven't uploaded the end yet. Your votes and comments were very much appreciated 💚❤️💜

I really missed writing and this is what I love to do. I will be writing another book after this. I already gave the title of the new book on the last chapter. It's hidden somewhere there. (I'm Taylor Swifting lol) What do you think is it? Can you guess? :)

I already finished writing the final chapter and the epilogue. I am just waiting for something that it important to the book. It's gonna be available later. Hmmm. While waiting for it, I compiled the DYKs that I haven't shared yet. It might not matter to everyone but I wanna write these down in case I'd like to go back and remember the challenges and fun I had. Yeah, I'm this senti hahaha. (I will add more if I remember anything)

1. Eun Hwan means kindness (Eun) and bright (Hwan). Bright because he brought light to Jeongyeon's life and coincidentally to Jimin as well.

2. Eun Hwan's photos were all taken from the child actor's IG account: jelove0610

3. I researched a lot about HIV, and stuff that needed supporting details but I am open to correction. In case you find one that seems to be incorrect or outdated, let me know.

4. This book originally didn't have making love or make-out parts. But... yeah. Haha. I think they were added reasonably? I hope.

5. I had no idea how to write steamy scenes so I had to read R18 books.

6. Like what I mentioned in the first chapter, the plot had been planned but there were stuff that were added (aside the R18 stuff).

7. There were no Momo/Eun Hwan class' parts.

8. There was also no ice skating part.

9. Taehyung was supposedly a mysterious character until the end of the book but I had to make some adjustments to support the plot.

10. This was supposed to be a feel-good all-laughs book but I always end up writing during my vulnerable hours, it became like this. What do you call this type of book? Slice of life?

11. I am really hoping that you guys listened to the songs. My fave is probably To You My Light or To you, dear. If you ever listened to them, what is your favorite?

12. Speaking of the songs, I only used Breathe in Sana's part. I was supposed to use it during JY's anxiety attacks but I feel like the song is Sana song. If that makes sense. Lol.

13. I also want to bear child but don't want to get married.

BTW, who became your favorite supporting character? I'd say Chaeyoung or Taehyung.

Also, I am a new ARMY. I was only a Jimin stan but I find them adorable. There was one night when I spent too much time watching them apply lipbalm on YT 😂. If you are an ARMY, who's your bias and what is it that you like most about him? My bias is Jimin but I think Taehyung is bias-wrecking me or maybe I just wanna marry him (I think he's the reason why I don't want to get married hahaha). I mean, I'll let JY have JM, then... HAHAHAHA. I haven't had enough sleep yet, so don't mind me.

As for TWICE... my ult is Jeongyeon. I don't have a bias wrecker because I love the other girls equally. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Have a great day today until the end of the week. 💜❤️💚

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