Ch-7: Part Of Your World/Nothing Can Stop Me

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Deep beneath the blue waves of Santo Domingo, not far away from the reef where Rose and Braedey met, there is a large rock structure jutting out ahead of a granite stone arch in the shape of a mermaid's tail. This is the gateway entrance to the mermaid's haven; Mermaid Tail.

The main design of this hidden haven for mermaids and merfolk looks to be that of some kind of ancient castle, but looking a bit modern than others. It seems to be forged of pure shiny platinum and of the brightest golds, along with bright colourful coral reefs as the gardens and the grassy areas of the castle. The main centrepiece of the entire castle, however, is the single tall tower in the middle, reaching 200ft above, and topped by a domed roof with a mermaid's tail on top.

Right now, Rose was in the throne room, being given a stern talking to by her father, King Atticus, while the musical composer, Samson, was also in the room, the two males talking to her about the disaster of the concert earlier in the day.

King Atticus is a large, handsome elderly merman with fair skin and a massive, well-muscled physique. He has long white hair, a thick, matching beard and moustache, and bushy, gray eyebrows. Like his daughter, Rose, he has brown eyes, though they are a bit lighter compared to hers. Because he is a merman, Atticus' lower body is a dark-blue fish-like tail with white, translucent fins and a matching, fish-lip waist-line. Atticus has three signs of his royal status; he has golden gauntlets with borders on the edges and five studs around the middle on his forearms, stopping below the elbow, a golden, five-point crown resembling a sea star, and, the most important item of all, wields the legendary trident, a golden, three-pronged weapon with vast magical powers and abilities.

Samson happens to be a red, French-accented crab who serves as King Atticus' personal adviser and "distinguished" court composer and singer-songwriter.

"I just don't know what we're going to do with you." Atticus said to his daughter.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I just forgot..." Rose apologised.

"As as result of your reckless behaviour-" Triton started.

"Careless and reckless behaviour!" Samson quickly added.

"The entire concert was-" Atticus tried to continue.

"Well, it was ruined!" Samson finished for him. "That's all! Completely destroyed! This concert was the pinnacle of my distinguished career. Now thanks to you, I am the laughing stock of the entire kingdom!"

Finn suddenly swam in, being a loyal friend to Rose. "But it wasn't her fault!" Finn told the crab while swimming inside. "Yeah. First, a shark attacked us! Yeah, yeah, and we tried to, but then we couldn't! And then we-Whoa, we were safe! But then this Eagle came, and this, and that, and-"

That caught Atticus' attention. "Eagle?"

"Oops..." Finn feared he shouldn't have said that.

"Oh... You went up to the surface again, didn't you?" Atticus interrogated his daughter. "Didn't you?" He asked again sharply.

"Nothing... happened." Rose told him nervously.

"Oh, Rose, how many times do we have to go through with this?" Atticus sighed, shaking his head. "You could have been seen by one of those barbarians... B-By... One of those humans..."

"Daddy, they're not barbarians!" Rose scolded. "They are much different-"

"They're dangerous." Atticus insisted. "Do you think I want to see my youngest daughter snared by some fish-eater's hook?"

"Dad, I'm eleven. I'm not a child anymore!" Rose retorted.

"Don't you take that tone of voice with me, young lady!" Atticus scolded Rose. "As long as you live under my ocean, you will obey my rules!"

Braedey Martin & Scooby-Doo: The Mermaid's TailWhere stories live. Discover now