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It was early evening the next day and Brooklyn was once again trekking through Beacon Hills preserve. Only this time, she was alone. Her eyes shone an incredible shade of purple as she scanned her surroundings. She didn't know who was hurt, or how, but she was on a mission to find them and help.

It also wasn't great that her phone had been dead long before the sensation kicked in or else she'd have called to make sure everyone was okay and ask for backup. Normally, she'd have gone to their houses, or at least Scott's where she could call everybody, but with this new hunter around every extra second was vital. Which is why she went solo.

Sweeping a low handing branch away from her face, Brooke stepped into a small clearing. Her eyes raked the place which was seemingly normal except one of the trees had a chip out of it like it had been struck. The black haired girl made her way to it and examined it up close. She could see that the whole was a sort of deep diamond shape that would be the perfect size for an arrowhead.

Since this was Beacon Hills, it could've been from a conformation long ago but the small specks of blood that kissed the leaves below told a different story. Brooklyn squatted down to the floor her eyes once again inspecting every detail. The blood she's spotted wasn't even red but a dark, sickly black which meant whoever it was had been poisoned. She brushed some of the leaves out of the way to see if the hunter had tried to conceal the larger amount of blood that would've spilled from an arrow wound beneath it all when she uncovered something else.

A footprint.

Something so ordinary yet something that made Brooklyn's heart beat faster. She scattered some more of the brown, golden and honey leaves out of the way and unearthed three more bold footprints which made two sets. A large pair and a slightly smaller pair, both seeming to be made from thick boots as the pattern and shape the soles had made in the ground depicted.

Brooke was able to get a pretty good idea of what was going on now. They hunter who had been the one to kill the Hellhound had been inexperienced and therefore used a silver bullet like in the myth, but they now had somehow managed to gain an ally who knew a little bit more when it came to the world of hunting the supernatural since they knew to cover their tracks. And the two of them going after one supernatural was definitely not good.

The Hale girl stood back up to her full height and looked around to see if she could spot a trail of blood that could potentially lead her to find out exactly what had happened next. She moved around even more of the leaves that coated the woodland floor and peered about every which way but there was nothing. Just as she went to knock some rocks out of the way with her foot she halted her actions. She once again bent down and saw that the rocks were stacked upon each other in a certain way so that they decreased in size as they went up.

Rock balancing. Something Satomi's pack were well know for doing. Brooklyn's eyes widened as her nerves spiked. Brett and Lori. A new sense of urgency took over the girl's body as she frantically searched for any more clues as to what had happened to the injured person. There was nothing, however. Which meant Brooke only had the magnetic pull from her abilities to go off. And even that had somehow been corrupted which meant she couldn't get a clear grasp on the person's location.


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Brooklyn ended up in the underground tunnels she never seemed to see that back of, and therefore gained a hatred for, still just following the pull that had gotten even more dodgy. A disgusted look settled upon the girl's face as a substance dripped down from the ceiling and onto her face. She angrily wiped it away with her fist, the yellow colour of the  liquid making her not want to know exactly what it was.

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