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Brooklyn clambered atop of the white news van elegantly before double checking her surroundings. The match was now in full swing and showed absolutely no signs of stopping. The Hale girl ignored it, though, and the shouting of the spectators, as she made her way to the cabling.

She was easily able to rip the rubber-wrapped wires from each other and cut of the van's transmission. She watched as the woman with a microphone and a camera in her face beside the van faltered as her broadcast was cut off. Smirking to herself, Brooke hopped down from the roof undetected and moved away from the vehicle.

She was about to check to see if Malia had done both of the other two vans when she felt her purple eyes light up in the dark. Brooklyn peered towards the school where the magnetic pull was coming from as she switched her eyes back to brown. She made her way towards the building as the pull got stronger knowing that her cousin could handle the final van by herself.

Brooke pushed open the front doors of the school and made her way inside. The hallway was completely normal except their was an abandoned lacrosse helmet lying on the floor. Hearing grunts coming from the girls locker room, the healer made her way there and opened up the door. What she saw was definitely not what she expected.

Kira was shoving Lori into the metal lockers and the young werewolf was groaning in pain before she was finally released and went toppling to the floor. "Kira..." Brooke trailed off making the kitsune's head whipped up to her. Leaving Lori, Kira charged straight at the newcomer who just managed to duck out of the way.

The kitsune picked up a lacrosse stick causing Brooklyn to do the same and the former went at the latter again. The Hale girl was able to block Kira's ferocious swings and get a few hits on her. She wasn't quite sure exactly what was going on but she knew Kira wasn't in control right now. Normal Kira could barely hurt a fly.

Brooke span away from another blow heading straight for her and landed a kick on the other girl's side. The blonde werewolf beside them struggled to stand up and clasped onto the lockers for support. Sparing a quick glance at the younger girl, Brooklyn shouted, "Lori, go!"

The blonde girl hesitated for a moment before speeding out of the room, knowing that she needed to go get help. The Hale girl was left alone with the kitsune who had no intention of stopping. Brooke dodged yet another attack and with her hits being so hard, the lacrosse stick in Kira's hands broke in two and became jammed in the metal of the benches.

As she pulled her weapon free, the healer used this as an advantage to give her a whack across the face with her own acquired stick. Kira stumbled but regained her footing quickly. She looked up at Brooklyn again only becoming more furious.

The kitsune ran at her again and as Brooke went to kick at her again, she swiped her feet from beneath her. The Hale girl pushed herself backwards along the floor before trying to pick herself up. However, with Kira having supernatural speed she was able to race towards the girl and give her a kick to the chest to keep her on the ground.

Brooklyn felt the air leave her lungs as she was smacked to the floor again. She went to hit the kitsune with the lacrosse stick that was still in her grip but Kira simply plucked it out of her hands. She kept a firm grip on it as she pushed Brooke along the floor and out into the hallway. The Yukimura girl then knelt on top of the other black haired girl and pushed the lacrosse stick into her neck.

Brooke tried with all her might to push the metal stick that was cutting off her oxygen supply away from her neck but it was fruitless. With her inhuman strength, Kira easily overpowered her. The Hale girl's face began turning red as she struggled and chocked for breath. Just as she felt she couldn't survive it any longer, air was suddenly permitted back into her lungs.

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