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❚ 𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓸𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷 𝓕𝓲𝓰𝓾𝓻𝓮𝓼 ❚

Brooklyn Hale looked through paper after paper but still found nothing of use in the animal clinic. She and Malia were currently searching the place from top to bottom in the hopes that they'd find something, anything, that would lead them to Deaton.

Opening up another drawer, the healer searched through another stack of papers but they were all signatures for pet surgeries. She could hear her cousin scatting different things onto the floor behind her in her search. Brooke huffed as the last drawer of the stack had only pet treats in it.

"Can't find him, can you?" Theo's voice startled them as he made his presence know. Brooklyn straightened herself up, a glare making its way to her face as she swivelled her body around to the boy. "Probably don't even know where to start." the boy continued, "You're not gonna find him. Let's be honest, he's probably already dead. I wonder what's gonna happen when Scott realises that's it's your two's fault."

Brooke's scowl only deepened as she clenched her fists. Malia on the other hand, couldn't control herself. She rushed straight at the boy, throwing him into a cabinet in the other room. Theo fell straight to the floor after hitting it, the glass panes shattering down on him. The Hale girl followed into the examining room after them.

The werecoyote grabbed Theo by his neck and lifted him up off the ground. She sent him a couple punches before saying, "I should kill you."

"Yeah, but you won't. You like me too much." Theo jeered. Malia gave him a punch to the head before slamming him into a shelving rack then onto the metal table in the middle. Brooklyn watched with a satisfied smirk, Theo was only getting what he deserved. Bones cracking along with a grunt from the boy was heard as Malia twisted and jerked his arm backwards.

The Tate girl got on top of the examining table as well. She towered over Theo sending harsh jabs to his face that had his neck snapping back each time. The boy only chuckled which made the werecoyote madder. She pushed him even more until his mouth and lips were coated red.

"I let Stiles kick my ass, too." Theo told her once she stopped. "He never broke any bones." he commented  as he snapped his arm back into place. His eyes then found their way over to Brooklyn who casually leant on the door frame. "You don't wanna have a go too?"

Brooke let a small smile onto her face as she approached them. "I didn't feel like wasting the health of my knuckles on you, but, I can do this..." she noted as she grabbed his hand. Quickly and swiftly she broke all of his fingers one at a time. Theo winced, letting out five harsh breaths. "There you go." she patted his shoulder.

"Bitch." Theo whispered. Malia quite clearly heard him and grabbed onto the back of his neck and raised her other hand into a fist like she was going to attack him again. "Look, I can help you find them." Theo offered before she could harm him. "Deaton and The Desert Wolf."

"How?" Malia interrogated.

"The Dread Doctors." the boy answered simply. Malia leant back a little as the two girls grew more intrigued. "I know how they found everyone."

✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄

Brooke, Malia and Theo were now in the boy's locker room at school where the boy had to retrieve something out of his bag to help them. Taking his hand out from his duffel bag, the girls saw what he had come to get. A humongous needle. Brooklyn's eyes narrowed slightly as they flicked from the syringe to Theo. The thing looked more like a murder tool than something helpful.

"You... You're kidding, right?" Malia questioned.

"I promised I'd help and I will." Theo responded.

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