Chapter 18

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Naina's POV:

"Naina, you know your mom loves you a lot, right?" My breath hitched when I read the first line of the letter. My mom wrote it. I knew her beautiful handwriting when she used to sign my school diary. Her handwriting in the letter was hasty, as if she was in a hurry.

When I tried opening the box, I couldn't. Some spell bound it. I desperately recalled what my aunt told me while giving this box. "You can only open it when the box thinks you are ready. A drop of blood is the answer." She said.

Slicing my palm lightly, I tried not to scream from the pain and dropped a small drop of blood on the box. It opened instantly, giving me a sigh of relief. It had a small lavender-colored bottle, my hairband, my mom's pendant that she never removed. A handful of blood red colored bottles I dared not touch, a beautiful family photo where I smiled as if not caring for the world and a letter addressing me.

Wiping the tears that unwantedly fell from my eyes, I began reading it. I could hear my heart beating faster, expecting what possibly was the reason behind the chaos in my life.

"Naina, honey, I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you. I tried hard, but I failed." "No, mom, you saved me from every situation," I mumbled. My lips quivered as the sadness was overwhelming. The fire through the woods burnt my eyes and made it even harder for me to read. But I wouldn't stop. Not until I knew the reason.

Suddenly, I jerked off when I heard a subtle shuffle beside me. But calmed down when I saw Ammie scooting towards me. She looked at me and then at the letter. "You want to read it now?" She asked. I knew she was tired, but I also knew I can't do it alone. "Ye-yes," I said.

"Let's read it together." She said, and I nodded.

"You are more precious than anyone ever gave you credit for. You know when your dad taught you archery, you were the fastest learner he ever taught." I smiled through a continuous stream of tears in my eyes.

"He was always proud of you honey and so am I." "I love you mom," I whispered and felt Ammie's hands clutching me tighter.

"But, we weren't enough. We weren't enough to protect you from her." Furrowing my brows, I sat straight. Her? Who? I had so many questions and my hands shivered.

"Your father saved you from her for so many years. But it wasn't enough."

"No, mom."

"We aren't normal humans. Your father is a witch and me from the angel community. I hope my sister gave you the tiny details. But if not, then please read carefully. I don't want you to misunderstand us. We did it as we had to. Honey, your dad and I weren't meant to be together as per the law. The angels and the witches were rivals and loving a witch was banned for us. But, I did. Your father and I loved each other. He was a bastard son of the Witch lord. And I, being the daughter of the King's elder son, could not love him. But, I did. Your aunt tried persuading me but I did not listen. Your dad was older than me, but we did not age like normal people.

When I came to know that the Witch lord was going to kill us all, your father convinced me and your aunt to elope. We tried convincing others but couldn't. When we saw the large army in the front door of our mansion, we sent a message to your dad and he rescued us through his portal.

I knew I blindly trusted him, and so did my sister, and never regretted it. We landed in a room where a beautiful girl lived. Your father introduced us to her. She had the same eyes as you do. Saira was her name. She had the most beautiful face I ever saw. Her beauty mesmerized us, but she was dying. Her body was slowly giving up.

Your father explained to us about the curse and the situation they forced her to live in. We had to save her if we needed to tame the beast that was creating havoc. The fight was brutal, but no one dared to enter her chamber. We hid in her chamber after your father made a protective wall for us. We saw her sister marching in and both being in the argument. Your father strictly asked us not to utter a single word when she was inside the room.

You must wonder why I wanted you to know about it, right? Honey, we saw Saira dying in front of us and helplessly saw her struggling to breathe. One day when everything calmed down, we found out that our family was massacred and they conquered the castle. Saira even if in her deathbed wished to meet her love for once, but her sister Utkarsha spat on her face and walked away. Because of the wall, we couldn't hear anything, but we noticed that every day after Utkarsha left her room, Saira grew older. Her body weakened.

Your father was worried about her, as she was his only beloved family he ever wished to continue to be in touch with. He was helpless. I couldn't see him in so much pain. I talked to him and asked him about the cure. He went to every witch he knew powerful to break the curse, but no one helped him. Utkarsha's fear made them Cowards.

Boris Johnson, a clever witch who was his good friend, gave him a solution. Her soul wasn't growing old, but her body was. If you could save her soul, then she'd live. He said. Your father came to me and said, "I can't let her die." His vulnerable state was too much for us. Your aunt and I weren't that powerful, nor we knew who our spiritual animal was. But my sister was clever and brave. She suggested, "switch her soul to someone's body."

Your father covered every spell book they ever had to find the proper spell for it. The witch lord never liked him, that's what kept him away from the spotlight. The queen, Utkarsha's mother, was a kind woman. She wasn't as powerful as any of them but a true human being. Being a bastard son, your father never believed her enough to tell her about us, but when she found out that he wanted to save her daughter, she talked to him.


"Oh, shit!" I exclaimed when I heard a loud noise. Ammie concentrated on the sound and I stuffed the letter inside the box before we could get killed. Our spiritual animals weren't able to connect to us as we were so weak and the mind wasn't strong to focus on a thing. Slowly we heard banging and then a loud human crying. Ammie looked at me and I shrugged.

"Who can even be there?" David asked, and I slapped his mouth hard when I felt that weird creature coming near the stone door we made.


❤Lots of Love❤

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