Chapter 5

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“Ammie!” I shrieked when my eyes landed on her figure fighting with one of the ugly creatures. They said they found only one creature entering the city, but as we entered the dark tunnel near The Awakenings club, we found an army of them. 

 The smell struck us so hard as we entered the tunnel. It smelt really bad, of urine, ripe and rusty things. Few fire lanterns dimly lit the path. We could hear waste water streaming down from the city into the tunnel. Chirps and scurrying of rats and splashing notices in the water as someone walking on dirty water towards the passageway. 

In the dimly bright tunnel, we scanned as horrendous creatures growled at us and charged at us with lightning speed. Their body, covered with raven fur, blood patches everywhere sticking into the fur. Them being black; they mingled pretty well in the darkness. Well, until they opened their eyes. 

“Naina, I will handle this! You leave!” She shouted at me as she ran towards them at a lightning pace by holding her sword. But I couldn’t do that. I wanted to help her. Closing my eyes, I composed myself as it chilled me when I met their green eyes. 

Remembering the way I saw the glimpses in Ammie’s eyes, I held my arrow and placed it in the bow, slowly gripping it tighter and pulling backward. These creatures kept on increasing in number if we slice them and spill their blood. I had to turn them into ashes. 

I noticed a creature walking towards me. Its spine bent and he walked like a kangaroo who unintentionally plants its legs on boiling water. I chuckled, pulled my arrow a little tighter. Focusing on it, I felt an immense surge of energy and felt my mark oddly soothing my body. 

“Oh hello there, pretty boy!” I taunted him, irritating his already angry mind, even more, I guess?. I smiled as I saw him coming towards me. His eyes glowed in the dark tunnel, enough for me to know that he increased his speed approaching me. “Naina, you’ve gone mad.” I heard her faint whisper yelling at me, but I didn’t heed her warning. I knew what I was doing. I focused on his green eyes but couldn’t pry further than I could only see darkness. 

I learned archery from my father. He was a warlock and was a champ in archery. He always had some weird tricks up his sleeves that intrigued me every time. “It’s time to use your skills, Papa,” I whispered, a smile on my face and soon, one after the other, arrows flew from my hold, fire on its tip burnt brighter as it flew towards them. 

One after the other, the monster’s number reduced. “Why didn’t I think of that before.?!” Ammie facepalmed, but then again got caught up with those stinky creatures. This time she followed the same and lit up every asshole who tried to harm us, provided, she had a fire lantern in one hand and a sword in another.

“Ammie, bow down!” I yelled and fired another arrow towards her. Soon it went flying above her head and directly into that creature’s heart. Oops, if they have any. My inner self mocked, and I snickered.

Ammie rushed towards me and we both wiped the sweat that formed on our forehead. Ammie held her sword in one hand and fire lantern in the other. I, on the other hand, grabbed my arrows and placed them on my bow, all fired up. 

“Come on, you stinky bastards!” Ammie yelled, and we both charged at them. 


“Phew! That was intense!” I said as we came out of the tunnel. “You look like shit, Ammie!” I said as I poked at her hair that looked like a bird’s nest. 

“As if you look any better, sis!” She poked my nose and laughed harder. 

“What?!” I asked, still laughing.

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