Chapter 6

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I stand by the hotel, studying the digital ripples. They look so realistic, how did the future foundation do this? Hajime comes up behind me. 

"Hey L/n-San, do you want to hang out?" He asks me. 

"Sure," I say, getting up from my crouching position. We start walking to the beach. 

"Honestly, I can't believe we're in a killing game, I don't want to go to that party on top of it," I say with an eye roll. 

"It might be good? You get to socialize and get to know everyone better," Hajime says. 

Yeah, but I already know them "Maybe it will," maybe I could remind them of every unfortunate event in our years at school "We could discuss middle school or something," As I say this Hajime's face falls. I forgot that he had a horrible middle school life. 

"Sorry..." I say. 

"Huh? What do you mean..?" he asks. 

"Oh, sorry I was just... Never mind," I say. I turn away. 

"Here," He says. I look back to see he's holding out an item for me. That was sudden. It's a flash suppressor. I take it. 

"Thank you, it's very nice," I say, mildly confused on why he would give me something like this. However, I do sometimes put flash suppressors  on my guns if they make cool noises. This one is shaped like a tiger, so I assume it makes a tiger noise. 

"Want me to try it out?" I ask. 

"Huh?" He replies. 

"I can try it out right now!" I exclaim, suddenly joyful that I might be able to use it and make him happy. 

"Sure!" He exclaims. I take my gun from my back, and click the suppressor onto the end of the barrel. I aim my rifle at the ocean, and shoot. There's less recoil than usual, and almost no flare, and just as I suspected, it sounded like a tiger. 

"Woah," Hajime says. 

"I would have brought my sniper here, but I wasn't allowed to bring it to hope's peak" I say. That- I forgot about that- how did I just-

"That's unfortunate," Hajime says, kicking a bit of sand. 

"I agree," I look out at the ocean, watching the digital waves shift back and forth on the sand. 

"Are you coming to the party tonight?" Hajime asks me. 

"I don't know, I feels like a bore, but if something were to happen, I would probably be the first suspect due to my history with the military," I sigh. 

"Oh..." Hajime says. 

"Would you come if it were with me?" Hajime asks. 


"Like a date, or... something?" Hajime asks nervously. 

"A date?" I reply. 

"Yeah, y'know, like... to make it less awkward, a date as friends!" He exclaims. I smile to myself. 

"Sure," I say, looking at him. We're making eye contact, and it's all silent and still except for the waves pushing and pulling back and forth on the shore. It takes me back to when we were sitting by the fountain, and Hajime had to leave, on the day I told Hajime I would have to leave soon, because I was needed on the front. 

"Well, I should head off," Hajime says. 

"Y-Yeah, sorry for keeping you, go ahead," I reply.

"See ya Y/n!" He yells running off. God I forgot how he ran- it's- a h

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