Chapter 4

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My one change... I already know what it'll be. 

I laugh and head to my cottage. Makoto told me that if I go on the computer in my room I can use my one trump card. 

I sit down on my bed with my computer and I access the program. First, I lock the future foundation out of the system, then I turn it into a killing game, and let Junko's AI run free. Then, I turn myself into the mastermind, and unleash Monokuma. 

I don't go to Jabberwock park like Monokuma tells us to, instead I just stay in my cottage. I decide to go to bed. 

"L/n-San?" I hear someone say as they shake me. I grab my gun and point it at them as I shoot up. It's Hajime. 

"Oh, Ha- Hinata-kun," I say. 

"Sorry about that..." I put my gun down next to me where it was. 

"It's fine... but, I noticed you weren't in Jabberwock park, are you okay?" He asks me. 

"Yes, I'm fine, I was just  asleep," I say. 

"Oh," He replies. 

"I should be heading to bed," He says. I nod and we wave goodbye before he leaves. I pull my knees to my chest and look at my bracelet. 

"I'll miss you, Y/n," 

"Why would you miss me? I'll see you tomorrow,"

"I know... But... Here," 

"This bracelet... it's beautiful! But why..?"

"Because, I want you to remember me,"

"How could I forget you Hajime?"

"I don't know... But just in case..."

"Well then, here take this,"

"Wait but these are your dog tags-" 

"I know, I want you to have them,"

"Alright, thank you, Y/n," 

I wake up in a cold sweat. I look at the clock on my wall to find that it's 5 am. I get up and decide to walk outside. The simulated breeze makes it cold. And I look at the stars. 

"Your still the same Hajime... But I've changed..."

Waves ~ Hajime x Mastermind Reader (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now