Chapter 2

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I'm waiting in the classroom for everyone. I was put into the simulation first. I close my eyes, and remember the day I was invited to Hope's Peak Academy. 


"Mukuro! On your left!" I yelled. We were practicing our moves for war. 

"Got it!" She yelled, dodging a bullet, then shooting the dummy that shot it. 

"Y/n! Get the general!" she yelled. The general was an insanely powerful bot, equipped with four arms, and being able to shoot 25 bullets a second. I set up my sniper on the barrier, lined up the scope, and fired. 

It goes down the moment my shot hits.

We hear slow clapping behind us, so we look.

"Very nice ladies," He says. Mukuro looks like she's gonna kill him. 

"Actually sir, my pronouns are they/them," I say. 

"Sorry about that, allow me to try again, Very nice lady and person," Mukuro still seems agitated, but better none the less. 

"What do you want? And who are you?" I ask. 

"Well, I'm Kizakura Koichi," He says. 

"Oh, The Hope's peak scout?" I ask. 

"Yes, you recieved a letter invitation, did you not?" he asks. 

"I did," I say. 

"Well, I'm here to confirm," He says. 

"Well then, yes, I am coming to Hope's Peak," I Reply. 

"Great, see you there," He says, before turning around to leave. 

Little did I know who I would meet at the school. 

After a long time of waiting, he's there, in the doorway. 

Hinata Hajime.

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