Chapter 3

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I hold my hands to my face and hold back tears. No one notices since I'm in the back corner of the classroom. I never expected to see him again. Hajime sees me, and waves. He doesn't know who I am... but... I wave back. He sits down, and a bunny appears. I don't pay attention to her and think about better times. A time before despair. A time of when a boy from the reserve course hung out with someone from the main classes. 

"Hajime, you're perfect the way you are, you're not tied to your ultimate, when you walk into a room, people don't automatically assume something about you," 

"But, if I'm talentless, I don't have a chance to succeed in this world,"

"Yes you do Hajime, there are, hundreds, millions even! Of people just like you who are successful!"

"But what bad could come of being an ultimate? That's a guarantee you'll succeed, for me, I'll probably end up at some boring day job that I hate..."

"I'll tell you what bad comes of being an ultimate. Every time I walk into a room, everyone looks at me and starts whispering. I'll probably end up in war for the rest of my life and then get shot!" 

"Sorry  Y/n, I didn't mean-" 

"It doesn't matter Hajime... I need to get to class,"

"I'll see you later,"

"Yeah, see ya Hajime," 

And that was the last time I saw him. But here he is before me. The walls of the classroom fall to reveal an island. I go to look around. 

While I'm looking around the island, specifically Jabberwock Park, I find a large patch of flowers, and for the first time I realize I'm not wearing my usual clothes. I look down to see a military uniform, and a rifle on my back. I also have my old bandages wrapped around my hands. I look through the flowers, finding Peonies, Edelweiss, and so many more. 

"Hey there," 

I hear Hajime's voice behind me.

"Ha- Hi," I say, turning around. 

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Hinata Hajime, I can't remember my talent, but it's nice to meet you," He says. I almost want to tell him it's because he doesn't have a talent. I inhale. 

"I'm L/n Y/n, the Ultimate Marksman, it's nice to meet you too," I say, extending my hand. 

"I hope we'll be good friends," He says. We exchange hope fragments and go our separate ways. 

Waves ~ Hajime x Mastermind Reader (HIATUS)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora