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"I'll come back, don't worry Y/n," 

"Who... Is Hinata Hajime?" 

"Hinata Hajime, is gone"

"I'll bring you back Hajime, whether Junko likes the loss of her precious 'Izuwuuu' or not," 

"Ugh, come on Y/n-chan, have a sense of humor, that Hinata kid was a useless reserve course student with no talent anyway!"

"No Enoshima-San! Hajime... Hajime was... He was an amazing person! Unlike you!" 

"Why you- I'll kill you! You don't even have a real talent!" 

"My talent is at least more real than yours! Fashionista?! Yeah right! At least ultimate marksman makes sense! You don't have an ounce of-"

"Stop. Nothing will come of this, and it's boring." 

"You always think things are boring! UGH! I'm leaving Junko. And I'm NOT coming back." 

Waves ~ Hajime x Mastermind Reader (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now