The potions master took the youngsters to the door. He kept shaking his head. harry was really an affectionate kid. But he probably had a lot to catch up on. Severus was actually no different than he was that age. He got his affection from Lily and Lucius.
when he went back into the apartment he was grabbed by Sirius and quickly pressed against the wall.
"Black, what's this going to be?" He asked angrily.
"Shut up, please," the Animagus muttered. the next moment Severus felt thin but soft lips on his own. At first he stiffened completely. He wondered if the man was completely insane now. But then he relaxed his body. even if he didn't return the kiss.
Sirius, of course, also noticed, who withdrew immediately.
"You do not want to? I thought ... “The man looked at him with big dark blue eyes. since he was a bit shorter than Severus he had to put his head back a bit. He seemed hurt and confused.
The Potions Master took a deep breath before answering.
"You weren't wrong, I want it too."
“What is the problem then?” The smaller one wanted to know.
“Quite simply, you were in a solitary cell for years. You long for closeness so much that I don't know how serious you are. "
"Of course I'm serious," Sirius said indignantly.
severus put his hands on those of the man in front of him. Sirius had clung to the Potions master's robes without realizing it.
"For sure? I don't want to be seen as a stopgap. I've never been able to do anything with games like this. and even in our school days you weren't exactly famous for long relationships. "
Sirius smiled sadly.
“Yeah, I was an idiot. Lily and Remus kept telling me that later. And they were right. just because you are young you shouldn't use that as an excuse to jump from one bed to another. "
"And what do you want now?" Severus wanted to know. He couldn't stop a little hope from mixing in his voice.
Sirius clutched his robes even tighter and looked up pleadingly.
"I'm serious. No more games. I'm old enough to know what I want And that has nothing to do with Azkaban. "
"For sure?"
“Quite sure, I really enjoyed this month with you and Harry in the cauldron. I was able to get to know you, without any prejudice. That was probably the best time of my entire life. sev, just how you deal with the little cat is unbelievable. I think you don't even know how loving you are. Harry is unlikely to be attached to you and that was before you spoke up. "
Severus gave a dry laugh.
“I doubt that, we always fought. You should have been there for the first two years. "
“Believe me, I've been watching you. To me it always looked like you just didn't want to admit your feelings. just the day Harry bathed me. "
Sirius had to smile at the memory.
Severus watched the man in front of him closely, then came to a decision.
"So you don't want to play anymore?"
"No, you are too important to me for that," came back decidedly.
"Well, me neither. When we start, this is it, I won't let you or Harry go again. You are then my family. "
Sirius smiled up at the taller man.
"That sounds good."

Now it was Severus who couldn't hold back any longer. He pulled the former marauder into a kiss that was no longer innocent. He turned with him, and now Sirius was standing against the wall.
the Potions Master deepened the kiss and his partner pulled him even closer. He would never have thought Severus so passionate. But he enjoyed it to the full.
The jailer huddled against Sirius and rubbed their bodies together.
Sirius had to break the kiss, panting.
"You answer quite nicely."
"I warned you. I can still stop if you want. "
"Don't you dare," growled the Animagus.
They pushed themselves up further and further. both excitations kept rubbing against each other. So it was no wonder that they soon reached their climax. And poured herself into her shorts.
Sirius laughed harshly.
"That hasn't happened to me since I was a teenager."
"I wanted it to happen," Severus commented.
Then he dragged the Black heir into his bedroom and threw him on the bed.
Sirius laughed darkly.
"I thought that everything would have happened earlier."
"No, that was the foreplay," Severus growled.
The Marauder didn't know how, but suddenly he was lying naked in front of his object of desire. And Severus wasn't wearing anything either. That must have been done by the man with his wild magic.
"Damn it, how can you hide all of this under your robes?" Sirius was overwhelmed by Severus' body.
"Because I don't want drooling teenagers in my classroom," Severus replied.
then he pulled his playmate back into a kiss and began impatiently to prepare him.
"Do it," Sirius grumbled after a short while.
"I'm sure I won't hurt you just because we're both impatient," was the only answer he got. But this statement alone drove shivers of excitement over Sirius' body. It showed what a wonderful man the Potions master was.
when Severus finally took pity and penetrated him he thought he was in heaven.
Both were far too starved for caresses. So they gave themselves unrestrained to their lust. And again it didn't take long for both of them.
when they settled down again, Severus noticed that the bed had shifted a bit. He took note of this with a smile and this time kissed his partner with exquisite tenderness.

when Severus woke up the next morning he felt a warm body close to him. When he checked, he noticed that Sirius' head was on his chest and he had an arm wrapped around his stomach.
Smiling, Severus thought of the last night. After their first time, they had made three more love. However, much more gently and much more slowly. The ex-Marauder had left Severus in full control. it had been nice and the Potions Master hoped Sirius really wasn't looking for just an adventure. Although he couldn't imagine that with the man. Not with attachment.
Severus gently stroked his sleeping partner's hair. Looked like he had a family now. A shy boy who loved to cuddle with Severus. and a wild dog that would probably rob him of the last nerve.
The Potions Master couldn't have been happier at the moment .

bat, grimm and the cat can fix it (Translation)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz