"Shut up, Hinata!" Yamaguchi yelled, his face reddened after realizing that it might be the real reason. "Maybe if I became neutral with him, he might find me boring?" Yamaguchi asked Hinata who's whistling.

"Maybe~" Hinata answered in a sing song like he can already see the future from a far.

"What about the Alpha you found interesting?" Yamaguchi asked.

"Me? I don't find any alpha interesting, they're all same egoistic and possessive." Hinata shook his head and sighed in disappointment "...but he's so hot! I found him setting for the children in the riverside. He's side view profile is gorgeous! The jawline..." Hinata said in dreamy voice while tracing his jawline. "Lips..." His fingers touch his lips. "His nose..." A smile appeared on his face.

Yamaguchi blinked his eyes more than twice. Hinata looked at him, then a lightning struck him! "What I mean is he's totally ugly! His smile is perfect to carved in pumpkins every Halloween!" Hinata said fastening his pace.

Yamaguchi laughs trying to catch up with his friend. "Shoyo-chan~" Yamaguchi called him in a teasing way, their walk turned into a run like they're kids playing tag at night with the moon as their only guardian.

"Stop chasing me! You won't get anything!" Hinata whispered shout as he run faster.

"Shoyo-chan~" Yamaguchi teases more, chuckling at his friend.

"Ahh!" Hinata tried to shout but failed.

Friendship is something that's hard to break.


"Good morning boss, Yachi!" Yamaguchi entered the café and bowed at their boss who's taking his morning coffee.

"Morning." Their boss greeted back.

"Good morning, Yamaguchi!" Yachi greeted making him blush a little, he smiled back at Yachi politely. "I haven't seen Hinata yet is he late?" The blonde girl asked. Yamaguchi looked around. Normally it was Hinata who always open the café not just because he's always early but because he has the spare key.

"He's late?" Their boss, Kane, asked. "That's unusual." Their boss stated.

"Maybe he already found someone he can spend his time with!" Yachi guessed. "How about you, Yamaguchi?" Yachi asked looking at him with hope that he'll say 'Definitely Yachi-san. I just found this certain alpha who I guess is attention deprived.', unfortunately, no.

"It's too early for those kind of things!" Yamaguchi waved his hand in front of him nervously making Yachi pout in disappointment. "Boss, Yachi! Let's go work. Especially you boss, you've been sitting the whole day." Yamaguchi teased his boss who almost died choking in his coffee.

The day was usual, people come to have something and go, everything was fine until two handsome faces appeared in front of him while cleaning a table near the glass wall.

"I want this table." He heard a deep and almost- yes almost panty dropping voice. Good thing he's wearing boxer.

His mind immediately wonder on that embarrassing day. His face reddened and for a second he forget how to function. He tried to hide his face by bowing his head, he didn't say a word as he walked away. He can even feel two intense eyes following him.

Upon reaching his co-worker, Rin. He hold his hand and looked straight at her eyes making Rin squeak in shock. "Y-Yamaguchi-san... Are Y-You okay?!" Rin panic when he see Yamaguchi's red face and his cold hand.

"I-... Can you clean those costumer's table?" Yamaguchi's voice came out as calm and airy but his inside was in pure chaos. Hearing that man's voice makes his heart was pounding so loudly that it makes him afraid someone might hear it.

Those feelings are indeed unfamiliar for him. It was scaring the out of him, is being an omega this hard? He mean he should consult Sugawara about what he's feeling whenever he saw Tsukishima, maybe whenever he sees him he's having heart attack? Oh my god- he doesn't want to die yet! He still want to work in an corporation and not be a waiter forever.

"You should seat and rest, Yamaguchi-san. You looked pale." Rin said leaving him to attend their costumers while Yamaguchi take another step so he can rest not until a warm fucking hand hold his wrist, stopping him from moving further. He was about to scold whoever it is when he saw him! Yes, him, what a right time, right?

"Uh... Later, Sir." Yamaguchi bowed a little before pulling his hand away and leaving the man behind him. He doesn't feel like talking and he's dizzy with all those unfamiliar feelings. 'Tsukishima Kei... what do you need from an omega like me?"


Later, Sir [TsukiYama Omegaverse]Where stories live. Discover now