Chicago PD (Jay and Kim's secret)

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( For the story im going to say they that Jay is 30 and Kim is 31)
Jay pov

I was running late to work, i got coffee and walked in to the bull pen when I got there i went to Kim's desk and said we have a problem, she said umm want to explain more or leave it at that? I went Kim James is in Town with his friends, she went no no this cannot be happening he is not meant to be here untill next week he is still ment to be in the boarding school, i have the next 3 weeks off to be with him then you was meant to have the other 3 why is he here. i went i don't Kim, but we will figure it out, may we should start by calling the school. my phone went off and it was Will I said hello what up? He went is Kim with you i went the whole unit is? he went i have not got time for this put the phone on speaker, I went ok on speaker. Will went guys James was just brought in to med he was hit by a car, i went Will how is he and how long until we would be able to see him? he went well umm you would both have to bring documents to prove you will be able to get in to the room also all his friends are here i have spoken to them and they said they was going to stay at James Mums house? I went ok well we can just take them to mine and get their parents to pick them up and i guess we have to explain to your team as well as my team on who that is? he went you might want to explain to Fire as well because they are here, i went great just great. Kim said ok we will see you in a bit do you thing you would be able to get to Documents from the old hospital i mean i have mine but have not got the others if you know what i mean? he went yeah i have all of Jay's on me you have your and James is on the system. I end the call and sat look we will explain at med but right now we all need to go with no questions asked. Kim said i will drive.

I said no i will, we will take Antonio and Kevin and then Voight, Al, Adam and Hailey can take a car. we get in the cars, and we get there and Will is waiting to take us to a private room where all Fire, Med and The rest of our unit is waiting. Will said Jay here is your documents And there is James along with The birth certificate, that's the one signed by the both of you. i went is he OK? Will went i will go and get him Now as well as his friends. I turned to Kim and said are you ready for out lives to change again, Kim went nope but oh well. i went he must have just got hit light and broken a bone. she went yeah that true or Will would never let him leave. i went well here goes nothing.

Kim pov

the door open and James come running in and said hey mom hey dad. i went over to him and checked him over and i then said why the hell are you in Chicago you are not ment to be here untill next week? James said I can explain you see i was really bored and my friends said shall we go to Chicago and i said sure i live there and mom will have us, but we was doing nothing in school as we finished everything already. Jay said yeah well you know you are allowed to come home as long as me or mom picks you up so why did you not just phone us? He said sorry dad I was scared you would shout at me? I laughed and said when have dad and I ever shouted at you? James went i know it was stupid im really sorry, and sorry for worrying you Uncle Will, but can me and my friends go now? i went sure just let me and dad sign the paper work and you can go Will walked over and said ID and all documents to prove that james is yours? i went fine but just so you remember you was the one in the delivery room with me, he laughed Jay went here and signed his name and then i done the same and i said who place they going to? Jay went yours as I know you have got everything ready him were as i still have a few more thing to get as I moved from the last time he was here. i went james here is the key to my house do not mess it up, and I mean your friends can still untill Monday then their parents can come and get them, Jay give him $100 and said thats for food don't go messing about and mom and i will be home around 9 o'clock we expect the house in one piece.

Once there where gone Will laughed and went have fun explaining this one, and started to walk out of the room, i said if you walk out of this room then you will be the one staying with all the kids and i will go to your place, he came back in so quick and said you know what i would love to help you explain or even just listen. Antonio said so you want to explain now? i said so Jay and I met when he was 18 and I was 19 we met a few month before he went with the rangers, i got drunk and Jay took me back to my hotel as I was here for interviews to work as a flight attendant well we became really good friends untill one months before he left we end up drunk in a hotel together, i found out i was pregnant a month after Jay left i knew he had a brother in New York So I flew there stayed there for a few year got a job then carried on as normal, after a while Jay came back home i came back here with james we went and done everything we had to when James was 6 he expressed and interested in boarding school so I had made quite a bit of money so I paid for it. after a while Jay started to pay for the school and we the decided to pay half each for the school. jay then said i became a detective and Kim was becoming a patrol officer, then she joined our unit and we pretend we new nothing but over time we knew James would like would like to start coming back home so we would book time off i would take three weeks, kim would and Will would then Will would stay with james when kim and i was working.

Jay went it was one of the hardest thing we had to do, everytime a child case came up with the name James we alway was scared we thought is this the day we tell the truth, but instead my Son gets hit by a car and breaks his arm.

Jay pov

I said now we have Explained anyone got any questions? Kim said yay no questions now i need coffee and quickly. i went ok Will go and get her Coffee because im the one that is now going to have to spend all night with her. Kim said oh be quiet i will be the one with all the kids you will fall asleep watching a film. i went yeah that sound about right. Will came back with coffee for Kim and she went thats i can see why your the favourite Uncle now. My phone ring and i said Hello It was james and he said Hey dad you know how you said don't mess the house up? I went what have you done James? He said i may have broken my Bed as well as a window, i went good luck explaining that to your mother, i ended the call and said you Might want to order a new bed for James and get your window fixed. Kim went for crying out loud Jay sort your kid will you this the 5th bed in the past 2 year. i went so it my kid now is it? Will said someone get popcorn because this going to be good? Cassey said I got it and then came back with popcorn for everyone. Kim said yes it is, i said how is that fair? she said because when he is an angle he is my kid when he is playing up he is yours, i said how does that work? Kim said everyone knows if the kid is naughty that it the dads kid and not the mom therefore he's your kid. I said you are making that up, Antonio said no she right, i went fine but you are doing all the talks then? she went no im not see that where the best Uncle comes in what better person to give the kid and his friend the Sex than a doctor, Will said hey now that not fair how am i involved? she went because you never gave Jay one.

i went she got you there Will he went i know, Kim gets her phone and say hello i would like to order another bed please yes it the same address and room as the last time you already know where the spare Key yes thank you, she looked up and said you can charge it to the same card as last time. i went who bought the last bed? Will said that be me. i went thank god I'm not paying for that one. all the girls looked up and said oh this is going to be good, Kim then phoned someone else and said hello i was like a new window please? I'm guessing they said no problem, she then said White is fine and I will need it today. She was writing things down and then said Jay Card please i went what why? she said because you are paying for my new window, i said fine and gave her my card. she ended the call and said thanks boys. and walked out of the room, the girls went after her i said shit Will went you promised to talk to him months ago about the messing about in the house, i know. everyone in the room looked at me and said how the hell did no one find out? i went its funny you ask that but we have no idea Kim and I alway said it would be because of a case, i mean believe me we are saw happy it not a case but we just wanted to keep it a secret so no one could use it against us on cases. Kim came back in and handed me the phone i went oh no she went oh no it right, i went send him back the the school he is the only who is going to get her out, plus he is trained with guns if things go wrong plus the FBI knows who he is and everyone will be fine it will take 5 hours max. she went fine but James is not going with him this time. i went no he not he is injured.

Kim said good luck to who every has a Halstead kid because I have one and he is exactly like his Dad and Uncle now im sorry we never told you but it was for the best this to do if we told you, then it would have effect the team. I went yeah thay true but hey you are all free to go now if you want I mean we should all be getting back to work. we all are leave and Kim goes and give Will a hug and A kiss on the Cheek and said thanks Then she comes up to me and hugs me then walks out and everyone said what was that about? i said no idea Will laughed and said check you pocket, i went Bitch she took my keys i ran after her and I could here everyone laughing and Will saying they used to be like this all the time they are Best friends and co-parents and nothing more so Yes Erin and Adam you both still have a chance but a word of warning they are extremely protective of each other and James.

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