𝖼𝗁. 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒-𝖿𝗂𝗏𝖾

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"People don't know how adorable Katsuki can be! He's the most adorable person in the world and no one wants to acknowledge it! Everyone, Bakugou Katsuki would beg you with his puppy eyes if you won't give him a kiss!" - Y/n

4. What’s your wake-up ritual?

"Being pulled out of the bed by my husband. Haha." - Y/n

"I cook the rice first." - Katsuki

4.5. What’s your go-to bed ritual?

"Skin routines!" - Y/n

"Just what she said." - Katsuki

5. What’s your favorite time of day?

"Evening. Definitely the bedtime. That's the only time I and Y/n are both free to cuddle the fuck out." - Katsuki

6. What is one thing no one knows about you?

"We can't answer that. It's only a secret between us married couple." - Y/n

7. Dream country to visit?

"Some countries in Europe like... France and Italy, I guess." - Y/n

"I heard there's fuck tons of romantic shits there." - Katsuki

8. What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?

"That's probably the time Katsuki proposed. It was too all of a sudden! Like, seriously!" - Y/n

"Same answer. I was surprised that time too. I just can't fucking find the right bullshit timing so I proposed right away, damn haha." - Katsuki

9. Heels or flats/sneakers?

"Barefoot?" - Y/n, laughing to her husband.

"Yeah, barefoot." - Katsuki, laughing. Yes, he's laughing with his wife. You should've seen them in person.

10. Vintage or new?

"What was that supposed to mean? Pass." - Katsuki

11. Who do you want to write your obituary?

"What the fuck? This is a stupid question. I guess shitty hair can do it for me." - Katsuki

"I'd let Hawks do it unless he dies before me." - Y/n, laughing as her husband glares at her.

12. Style icon?

"I am my own fashion icon." - Y/n

"Hell yes, you go slay, my queen." - Katsuki

13. What are three things you can’t live without?

"Food + water, oxygen, clothing." - Y/n

"Same." - Katsuki

"We definitely thought you're gonna say each other's names."

"We are each other's oxygen. Suck it up, bitch." - Katsuki

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