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Kavin POV.

"Someone's in a good mood this morning" a raspy voice spoke behind me,wrapping his arms on my waist while kissing my neck.

I giggled and shook my head,placing the pancakes on the plate then put it in the dining table.

"Goodmorning to you too" i softly said and turn to peck thyme's cheek.

He pulled me closer and kissed me deeply leaving both of us breathless,i pushed him weakly while he pouts.

"Go wake thavin" i smirked and he rolled his eyes then stomped back upstairs.

"What a brat" i snorted and go back to the kitchen,i opened the fridge and took out the pitcher of milk.

As i walk back to the dining room a small arms wrapped around my hips,i shriek and look down seeing thavin pouting with puppy eyes.

"Im sowwy(sorry) mama i pwomise(promise) i will eat vewtables(vegetables) fwom(from) now on" he said in a small voice and buried his head on my waist.

I smiled in awe and put the pitcher in the table befors lifting him up in my arms.

"It's okay baby,im not angry anymore and im sorry too" i pouted and gave him feathery kisses all over his face while he cutely giggles.

"Mama its twickles!(tickles)"

I chuckled and put him down then ruffled his hair.

"How about you take a seat then let's eat,i made pancakes" i smiled cheekily and thavin starts clapping his hands happily,he excitedly ran to the dining chair and sit neatly.


The trio were eating peacefully when kavin decided to break the silence.

"You guys wanna go shopping?" he asked.

Thavin eyes sparked while thyme arched his eyebrow.

"We'll im just asking since there's no other things we can do here,how about we hangout?" he slyly scratched his nape.

"I want too mamy!" thavin beamed.

Kavin chuckled and pinched his cheeks.

"Thats great then" he excitedly said.

"I can't go" thyme sigh making the two paused.

"W-why uncle?" thavin pouted.

"Im sorry buddy but i have things to do today" thyme sadly smiled.

Kavin pouted and sigh heavily.

"Its okay,we can still have fun right thavin?" he smiled sweetly at the pouting kid.

Thavin face lit up and he nodded multiple times.

"Okay then,enjoy the two of you" thyme said and get up from his seat then walk towards the garden.

Kavin followed the older man with his curious eyes.Somethings off with him

He just shrugged and continued eating,when they finished he told thavin to go play upstairs why he clean up.


Kavin walked towards the garden and saw the older man smoking in the balcony,he frowned and walked towards thyme.

"Hey" he called out.

Thyme snapped out in his thoughts and finally faced the younger man.

 𝐆𝐔𝐍𝐒 𝐍' 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐒🥀Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin