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No one's POV.

Rain was having a tea in the garden when her phone suddenly rang.

She pick it up and look at the caller id which is her very bestfriend.

"Hello hanie?" she answered.

"Rain! come to the mansion quick! something happened to winnie!" hanie shouted.

Rain eyes widened and she quickly called mr.champ to drive her to the chivaaree mansion.


Thyme was carrying win who passed out on his arms.

He look at the poor young man who have dried tears in his cheeks.

"Thyme!" his friends ran to him.

"Oh my! what happen to him?" ren worriedly asked.

"I saw him falling" thyme straightly said.

"We need to check him up" mj said.

Thyme nod and they walk out of the building.

"Im gonna bring him home" thyme said and put win at the backseat of his car.

"You two stay here and find those bastards who did this" thyme seriously said and his friends nod.

"D-dad" win weakly mumbled his eyes are still closed.

Thyme took a glance at him at the rear mirror.

He saw win curling into a ball while sobbing.

He sigh and speed up the engine and turn it to the other direction which it their mansion.

After they arrived thyme pulled over infront of the place and carry win out of the car.

He saw butler man approaching them with a worried expression.

"Young master what happened?" butler man asked.

"Where's mother?" thyme blankly asked.

"A-at you're fathers office"

Thyme nod and entered the mansion then went upstairs to his room.

He carefully laid win on the bed but the other man snake his arms around his neck and pulled him making thyme fall on top of him.

"D-dad" win mumbled and tightened the grip on thyme's neck.

"Win" thyme breathlessly said.

"Thyme? butler man said you're looking for m-" hanie entered the room and didn't expect of what she just saw.

"Oh my!" she quickly covered her mouth and squealed as she saw his son on top of win and win's arms are around thyme's neck.

"Mom! is not what you think!" thyme whispered loudly to his mom.

"Oh really?" hanie arched her eyebrows while grinning.

Thyme sigh and slowly removed win's arms around his neck then stand beside his bed.

"D-dad.." win whispered under his breath but hanie and thyme heard it.

Hanie changed her expression from grinning to pity look.

"He was bullied....again" thyme straightly said.

Hanie eyes widened and she covered her mouth in shock.

"Oh my god" she mumbled.

"I-i need to call rain" she added and ran out of the room.

 𝐆𝐔𝐍𝐒 𝐍' 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐒🥀Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora