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No one's POV.

3 days have passed since thyme and thavin stayed in the metawin's mansion things were doing good but sometimes the two man will fight when it comes to movie marathon at night,kavin will suggest disney movies for thavin but thyme won't agree and choose actions and horror instead.

"Here come's the food!" kavin happily placed the bowl of vegetable infront of his two hungry babies.

He arched his eyebrow when he saw thyme and thavin's face form into a frown.

"What's with the face you two?" he asked.

"No fried chicken mama?" thavin asked in a small voice while pouting.

"Hmm no,vegetables are good for you baby! it helps to make you healthy and strengthen your body and mind!" kavin smiled proudly.

Thyme and thavin sigh and pouted more.

"Oh come on you two! oh wait i forgot the orange juice!" kavin get up from his seat and walk back to the kitchen.

"Uncle what are we gowwa duuu?" thavin whinned and crossed his arms.

"I guess we have to eat vegetables for tonight buddy,your mama will be sad if we don't eat what he cooks" thyme sigh.

Thavin groaned until an idea popped on his mind.

"Uncle let's owder(order) a chicken!" he tugged the older man's shirt.

Thyme eyes widened and shook his head.

"No buddy,mama will be mad"

The little boy gave thyme a pleading look.

"Aish,okay okay fine,wait here okay?" thyme sighed in defeat again and get up from his chair leaving the happy clapping little boy for a second.

"Im back! im sorry i took a bit long the juice lid is too tight open and i have to use my bunny teeth instead" kavin sighed and sit back on his chair.

"It okay babe,besides thavin and i decided to eat your cook" thyme smiled and wink at him.

Kavin face flustered and smiled happily at the two,he's so happy that the two finally decided to eat vegetable,especially thavin who hates broccoli.

"Aww you two! i'll give you kisses later because you eat vegetables!" he pinched the cheek of thavin and pinched a bit harder to thyme then he giggled when the older man hissed in pain.

"What a sadist" thyme rolled his eyes while rubbing his sore cheeks.

Kavin giggled again and playfully wink at his boyfriend.

Suddenly thyme's phone ranged,the older man fished out his phone out of his pocket and look at the caller's id.

"Who is it?" kavin curiously asked when he saw thyme's unreadable face.

"U-uhm its just mj,i-i need to answer this excuse me for a moment" the older man get up from his seat and walk to where younger man won't hear.

"Hello? sir your order has arrived i'll just leave it infront of your gate" the delivery man stated.

"Okay i'll be there in a sec-" thyme's word got cut when the delivery man spoke again.

"Oh sir! i was just talking to you! by the way here's your order! its 2500 baht!"

Thyme's face turn into a frown,he was sure the delivery man is talking to another person,and thats when it hits him,he quickly ran towards the front door and open it in perfect timing.

 𝐆𝐔𝐍𝐒 𝐍' 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐒🥀Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora