Chapter 41

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I got to MRMC (Mercy Regional Medical Center) about twenty minutes later. Jake's room was on the second floor, number 2HM. Inside there was a heart monitor, cardiac monitors, ventilator, nasogastric tubes, and a whole bunch of other stuff (yes, I paid attention in health class).

Jake lay there on the bed while looking out the window. He didn't look the same as like two or three days ago. The color had drained from his face, his eyes were lacking light, and he could’ve passed for a vampire. He looked so depressed, like a suction cup had been placed onto his head and took the life out of him.

"Eh-hm, hi," I said. Jake turned his head to look at me, than back at the window.

"Hi," he mumbled.

"I heard what happened," I said.

"Yeah so did the entire student body," he replied. I grabbed a chair and pulled it next to him so I was facing him, than he turned the other way.

"Funny, you don't usually ignore me," I said.

"Funny, you don't usually want to talk to me," he shot back.

"I want to talk about why you did it," I asked.

"Why'd I do what?" he asked.

"You don't end up in the hospital for being a jackass," I replied.

"Why are you talking to me? If anything you should be celebrating with you girlfriend," he said.

"Jake listen, I can't forget what you've done to me and my friends, but I can forgive you if you tell me why you did it," I said.

"You wouldn't get it, no one would," he replied.

"That's the thing Jake I do get it. I get that you want to bang your head against the wall, your praying to guy upstairs everyday hoping that he'll make you normal. You tear everybody down to your size just to make yourself feel better, all because you're homosexual. Alright Jake? Your gay," I said. Jake shot up and grabbed my shirt.

"I am straight like a pencil, you can't prove otherwise," he hissed.

"Than why did you try to kill yourself?" I asked.

"I didn't! I was drinking, and then I had a headache!" he replied.

"So you downed the whole pill bottle?" I asked. He pushed me away and jumped out of bed.

"I don't know what else to do! For all the crap I put everybody through I deserve to go the way I tried!" he shouted. What?

"That last part didn't make sense," I said.

"Who cares! Why do you give a damn about me? Why now? What about the time I switched the frosting on your cake with mayonnaise? What about the time I backed into the homecoming float you and your dumb cousins worked on and made a huge dent in the fender? What about the time I tried to rape Courtney? What about the time-"

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