Chapter 20

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We were back to school on Monday. Some of the students were still hung-over from the other night; luckily I'm not a drinker and took two aspirins yesterday.

As I walked down the hallways to my next class, I saw Keri at her locker...crying?

"Uh...hey Keri. Is-is something wrong?" I asked her. She let out another sob and handed me something wrapped up in a tissue. I unwrapped it to see...holy crap!

"Oh shit," I grabbed Keri's arm and pulled her into the bathroom.

" have a pregnancy test? Are you out of your mind bringing this here?" I asked.

"Check-check the sign," she croaked. I looked down at the results from the scan. Double crap.

"Positive," I said. Keri nodded and let out another sob.

"You're pregnant? How? When?" I asked.

"At Kate's party, Luke and I had a little too much to drink and-and I guess we weren't thinking straight from the booze and…Oh god Courtney what do I do? Oh my god how do I tell Luke? Dean's going to freak!" she exclaimed.

"Well are you going to keep it?" I asked, hoping for the abortion answer. Unfortunately, she shook her head.

"I can't have an abortion, I can’t afford it," she replied.

"Okay, okay, calm down, come here," I pulled her in for a hug.

"Look, how about we tell them together? Okay? Maybe then Dean won't freak on you as much and maybe Luke will have a plan. He's good at that stuff isn't he?" I asked. She pulled out a tissue and nodded.

"Okay, after school...someplace public...and maybe tell them while listening to really loud music," she replied.

"Nice try, after school at the diner near Amelia's house...I mean Ms. Pond's house," I said.

"Speaking of which, I want to talk to your mom," Keri said. Wait what?

"Hold on, back up the truck, how did you know Amelia was my mom?" I asked her.

"I may have eavesdropped on one of your phone conversations," she replied. Wow.

"Okay, I'll worry about that later. After French today we'll talk to Amelia. If anyone can give us guidance on pregnancy it's her. Now dry those eyes, put on a smile, and hold your head up like the beautiful girl you are," I said and led her out of the bathroom. Keri did all three.

"Good, and take this back I don't know why I'm still holding it. And hide it good, like in your locker in the corner under your books good." I said and handed back the pregnancy test.

"Will do, we should get to class." she replied as we walked out of the bathroom.


"...we should get to class," I heard them walk out of the bathroom, then I poked my head out of the bathroom stall.

"Huh, not exactly how I planned it but okay. You should probably discuss your pregnancies somewhere more private ladies,"

This I could work with.


As I came back from the swim meeting I saw Courtney in the hallway leaving Keri. Strangely enough Keri looked upset. Eh, I'll leave Luke to worry about it.

"Hey Court," I caught up to her.

"Huh? Oh hey Tom," she said. I leaned in for a kiss but she pulled back. Weird.

"Hey, is everything okay? Did Jake do something to you?" I asked.

"No, no he didn't. Don't worry about Jake. Everything's fine," she replied.

"Are you sure? Because I didn't get a kiss and you're being hostile. Oh shit, are you on your period?" I asked.

"No! I am not on my period. Just talked with Keri," she replied.

"Court if something's wrong than you can tell me, I promise I won't tell anybody else," I said. Courtney looked around, then pulled me into the janitor's closet.

"Listen you know how at the party we were trying to find Keri and Luke? Well I found out what they were doing," she said.

"And that would be what?" I asked. She leaned in real close like she was about to kiss me.

"Let's just say Keri's going to be eating saltines and throwing up more often," she said. Saltines? Wait...saltines? Vomiting? Holy crap!

"Wait, wait, wait, Keri Mathis: my cousin, is pregnant?" I asked.

"Yes, listen Tom you cannot tell anybody about this, especially not Dean and Luke," she replied.

"Well no I'm going to tell anybody but are you sure?" I asked. This has to be some kind of mistake...or bad dream! I'm too young to be an uncle!

"She had a pregnancy test Tom! It was positive!" she hissed.

"All right, all right. I promise I will not tell a soul in this school. In this town, that would be bad." I said.

"Yeah, no kidding, now listen to me; Keri's going to tell everybody after school today, so when she does you have to act surprised, even a bit angry," she said.

"I can do that," I told her

"Good, now let's get to class before the janitor walks in and thinks the worst," Courtney started for the door, but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Whoa, whoa wait. Can I still get that kiss?" I asked. Finally a smile replaced that deep depressed frown.

"Yes, you can get a kiss," she replied and pecked me.

"Oh come on that was nothing," I complained.

"Sorry I got to go, we can make out after school...after Keri's news," she replied.

"Alright, let's get out of here,"


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