Chapter Fifty Two

Start from the beginning

Zhang didn't think he would struggle as much as he was, and he took a few seconds to wipe his teary eyes. At the same time, Luka forced his drunk mind to remember when Zhang had told him about his sister; luckily a few things clicked while other things were left confusing him. Before Zhang could keep talking, Luka asked.

"What about Alo and Ala? You're very close with them."

Hearing that Luka was engaged in what he was saying gave Zhang some much needed relief, and he leaned back to look at Luka, who had also moved closer to him while replying.

"That's different, I know I will never be bound to Alo or Ala in any way...Even though they are like family to me, I don't feel responsible for them since they are older than me and sort of took me in. However, when it came to any potential romance with someone, I always chose to run instead of gambling with the person's feelings or safety."

While listening to Zhang, Luka was able to understand Zhang a little more and he was grateful they were finally having this conversation, even if he was struggling to keep up at certain points. Because Luka was staying quiet, Zhang double checked Luka wasn't sleeping with his eyes open, and poked the young man's cheeks a couple times. Instead of being asleep, Luka had been reminded of something he hadn't told anyone yet, and he looked at Zhang with a solemn expression as he said.

"Mika wanted to leave me...when he was first...raped. He thought that his presence would bring more people like that and it would then happen to me. You may think that leaving will save someone from being hurt in the future but does the opposite...Mika hurt me when he chose to walk away from me. I wish that you had told me sooner, but It wouldn't have changed the fact that I have feelings for you if you did."

The solemn expression on Luka's flushed face abruptly changed to one of determination, as if Luka was set on not giving up on Zhang. Seeing this made Zhang's heart flutter,causing a warm heat to slowly spread throughout the rest of his body, starting from his chest. The sensation was new for Zhang, and he would be lying if he said he wasn't scared of the new feeling running through his body. Because the both of them had gone quiet for a little while, Luka was beginning to fall asleep, and Zhang felt it would be best to let Luka sleep the alcohol off. Moving Luka back into the bed properly, Zhang then leaned close to Luka's ear and whispered quietly, unsure of whether Luka was asleep yet or not.

"I'm sorry for being selfish, Luka. Please wait for me."

. . . . . . .

After another day of rest, the group packed their bags and headed out on their journey. With Alo's direction, they walked along the baron snow covered dirt road. The group walked with Nakai and Alo leading, Mika and Wang Bao in the middle, with Luka and Zhang bringing up the rear. Alo had travelled this section of the mountain ranges for most of his life, and he knew the area like the back of his hand, while Zhang was more well versed in knowing his way around cities and rural towns. Usually Alo, Ala and Zhang wouldn't travel through heavy snow areas during the coldest parts of winter, but the sporadic snow storms turned out to not be too bothersome for them. Compared to a couple days ago, the snow had melted a little, aiding in Mika's, Luka's and Wang Bao's ability to walk; things were made easier for them as well since Nakai and Alo made sure to drag their feet a little, helping to create a small valley for everyone else to walk through. Wang Bao didn't know how long it would take them to get to the next small town, but the white wonderland around him helped pass the time.

Luckily the weather stayed fine during the morning, and they made it to the next town within a few hours. Because half of their group wasn't well versed in long distance walking, Nakai decided to have lunch in the town, but the break only lasted thirty minutes before they set off again. Wang Bao thought the next town would be just as close, but after four hours, the sun was beginning to set and there were no signs of any town in the distance. Wang Bao's winter boots were usually very comfortable to walk in, and he thought he had gotten better at walking for long periods, but with every step, his feet felt like they were being stabbed with a thousand knives. Mika and Luka were also struggling with the long distance, but neither one wanted to be the first to complain. For the last couple of hours, Luka had been able to distract himself by talking with Zhang, but once the last of the light from the day was fading, Luka couldn't stand to stay silent any longer. With a sour red face, Luka muttered under his breath.

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