Chapter 4 part 2

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Sorry for the wait, I was very busy, I hope you like the chapter.

Am0104 : let us continue.

Deadpool : about time, it has been so long.

Am0104 : shut up or I will kill you or worse make you and summers fall.

Wade : shutting up now.

Carol : what wait ? We have been here for seconds.

Am0104 : non of your buisness.

Madara : you see kushina, I met mito uzumaki a long time ago, you remind me a lot of her, she was strong, head strong, quick to get angry and a prodigy when it comes to being a ninja, she was even the carrier of kurama.

Kushina : really, I am like lady mito.

Kurama : (more than you know tomato).


Mj : stupid fox, I would like to make him a purse.

Medusa : or shoes.

Madara : the first time I met mito was when I was 17 years old. It was not the best first impression.

Kushina : why ?

Madara : I walked in on her bathing in a river, she called me a pervert and wanted to bash my head and called me a pervert, I did take her nonsense and defended myself, after a long battle I accused her of being a pervert since she was fighting me naked and when she covered herself embaressed I knocked her out and left.

Felecia : he should have let himself get hit.

Am0104 : why ?

Jessica : he deserved it.

Am0104 : madara does not take nonsense or except stupidity from those weaker than him, wheather a man or woman he will kill you.

Kurama : it seems all uzumaki's are perverts.

Kushina : shouldn't you know this ? You were sealed inside her.

Kurama : I spent most of my time sleeping and when I was awake I couldn't see anything, het seal was stronger than yours. It did not allow me to see anything.

Strange : I would like to study those seals. May be useful.

A portal openned and a paper with ink writing stck strange and the dissapered.

Strange tried to cast some spells but could not.

Strange : my magic wont work

Am0104 : kushina must have sealed away your magic.

Strange : give it back.
Ordered stephen only to be blasted out of his seat.

Am0104 : you are nobody to tell me what to do and that seal is a blood seal, only kushina can take it away.

Madara : we then met 5 year later, by that time the hidden leaf village was built be hashirama and I and we were looking for allies to help us defend against other villages, while hashirama stayed in konoha and would defend the village should enemies attack, I was sent to the uzumaki clan village to secure an alliance.

Kushina : why didn't the first go instead of you, he was the hokage.

Carol : yeah, a leader should go.

Jennifer : the bug would also screw it up.

Susan : be silent, if it wasn't for peter we would have had to face the angels during the war of realms.

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