Earth then remembered one person who usually helped him find an urgent part-time job vacancy in dire times like these, which paid more than the usual salary. It wasn't his first time running out of money for his necessities, so he wasn't hysterical about having to look for additional work.

He scrolled through the contacts in his phone and found the one he was looking for. He dialled the number and waited for the other person to pick up his phone.

"Fuck...this is still too early for me. What do you want? Who are you?"

Earth giggled at the curse thrown at him and looked at the clock on his bedside table, "It's already eight in the morning, Phi Fluke."

"This voice...Earth? Brat, you knew I work at night like a bat. Time moves differently for me, especially because I was looking for the best curators these months."

"You better open your eyes and look at the caller ID before answering, Phi. We have exactly a five months age difference, and if it weren't for that, I wouldn't bother to regard you with respect," he can't help but smile when the older one grumble. Remembering his purpose in calling Fluke suddenly, Earth heaved a sigh, eyes looking far away in the distance.

There was a pause after Fluke heard the long sigh Earth let out. " out of money for food? I only know of one job that is open for tonight, though."

Earth's face brightened immediately. After realising that the older one had found out his problem before he even told him, his face turned apologetically. "I'm sorry that I seem to only look for you whenever I need help. You can even tell the reason I called you before I can ask you myself, Phi."

There was a rustling sound before Fluke answered him. "You know that I won't ever mind that shit, right. I have taken you under my wing since we became best buddies in high school."

Earth can hear the gulping sound of Fluke drinking water.

"Why don't you accept my money? You already tire yourself out from the barista part-time job and your schooling, Earth."

"No, Phi. I don't like to depend on your money," Earth sighed. "Besides, I don't want to take your hard-earned money."


"So, what is the job you have for me?" Earth deliberately changed the subject.

Fluke sighed deeply, feeling resignation at the prospect of Earth struggling alone and the way the younger one has evaded the topic of him helping every single time.

"Phi Fluke?"

"Okay, but I do not recommend you to do this job, but I knew the owner personally, so I can at least make sure he paid you right and take care of you there."

Earth frowned, "You said there is only one job that opens, though, right? I'm down to try any work if it gives me money." Earth narrowed his eyes at the wall he was staring at, "I don't want to sell my body, though. Like, ever."

The rustling sounds came back from the other side, basically from Fluke coming back to his bed after drinking some water. He laughed awkwardly, to which Earth suddenly felt dreaded at what the older one would recommend the job to him. "Yeah, it's kind of...."

Shit. Was my guess correct? 

Earth started to feel nervous. "Kind of what? Just tell me what job it is, Phi," Earth asked exasperatedly, feeling more desperate as Fluke seemed to beat around the bush.

Fluke sighed, "There are this famous club 20 minutes walk from your house."

Earth's eyebrow arched, a club?

Earth's head started to list the club in the area that Fluke was talking about. He doesn't know which site that the older one was talking about has many clubs and bars. It was a commercial district, after all. "Are they looking for a bartender? I have tried mixology before and am quite good at it, but I never tried working as a DJ, Phi."

"No...Not quite the regular club, though."

"Not quite the regular club? What do you mean, Phi?" Earth hissed, feeling more anxious for some reason.

A pause from Fluke before the older one finally croaked the answer with a dry tone.

"A host club."

to be continue

I was busy all day because my sister had given birth to my 2nd nephew late last night. Busy because I need to help oversee her 1st born, which I categorised as a little cute devil boy, lol. My 2nd nephew has been in the NICU seen the moment he was born. I hope he stabilised soon so I can start coo-ing at him. Anyway, I will probably struggle to update from today and the next because I edited and revised on my phone, but ill try to proofreading every chapter before it's up for you to read it.

Don't forget the votes and comments!

Updated on the 30th of April 2021,


Bittersweet Love // #KaoEarth AUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum