Chapter Twelve

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So, I waited a good couple days, aka a fucking month since i'm fucking lazy, (my apologies), for comments and all that to come in, and it's been decided what the gender of the baby is!

Honestly, I have to say I'm EXTREMELY surprised. There were literally NO votes for Lynne having a girl that I saw, they were all votes for a boy!

But that's 100% okay!

Now, onto chapter 12 we go!


Lilac's POV

"What are you hoping for?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

I smiled. "I hope for a boy, but honestly Adrian is going for girl, so I won't be surprised if it's a baby girl," I replied.

She nodded.

Lynne came walking back out with a huge smile on her face.

I jumped up and down excitedly. "So?!"

She grinned. "It's a boy!"

My eyes widened and I squealed with excitement.

"OH MY GOD OMG!" I screamed.

She and Madam Pomfrey laughed.

"I'm so excited Lilac and Madam Pomfrey! I can't wait to tell Adrian and Graham!" she squealed.

I grinned. "Same! Let's go tell them now!"


Lynne's POV


He whirled around, and I saw Oliver and Graham next to him, and they both looked me and Lilac's way.

A bright smile grew on his face when we locked eyes, and I rushed up to him and hugged him tightly.

"What's going on huh? You seem extra happy today love," he murmured in my hair.

I giggled. "I know the gender of the baby."

We jumped apart, and his eyes widened with excitement.

"WHO?! WHAT GENDER!? TELL ME!" he exclaimed.

I laughed. "It's a boy!"

He jumped up and down. "A boy! A boy!" he exclaimed. He turned to Graham and grabbed his shoulders and shaked him violently.

"I'm going to have a son you shit!" he yelled.

Graham laughed. "No shit Adrian."

We all laughed, and I sighed.

I couldn't wait for my baby to be born. My family was going to be just perfect, and I was just excited for everything to piece together.

Now I just had to get through the rest of the school year, get to August, give birth, and then everything will finally be okay.

I smiled and looked at Adrian, and through all the talking and laughing around us, he looked back at me.

His eyes glinted in the light, and his lips were turned up into a loving smile. He gazed at me, and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

I had always wished for someone to look at me like that, and now it was finally happening.

He walked over, his arms snaking around my waist, and he pulled me to his chest.

"I love you so much Lynne. I love you so, so much," he whispered.

I felt tears in my eyes, because I know that he was telling the truth.

Chasing After The Chaser जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें