Chapter Nine

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Lynne's POV

I hate my life. I hate it so so much.

What did I ever do to deserve what just happened.

Everything hurt. My body especially...

I sobbed in Graham's arms, and Lilac stroked my hair softly.

"Oh Lynne, I am so sorry," she whispered, crying softly.

A few tears rolled down Graham's cheeks too.

"I-I want Adrian, w-where's Adria-an," I asked, my voice cracking.

"He should be here soon," Lilac cooed.

I nodded, but I couldn't seem to stop shaking.

I saw Adrian run out of the building, blood all over him.

"Adrian!" I sobbed.

He ran over to me, and Graham placed me in his arms, and he hugged me tightly, tears welling in his eyes.

"Lynne love, I am so so sorry," he cried, kissing my forehead.

I sobbed in his arms, cowering away.

"We need to get back now, let's go," Adrian said.

He carried me over to where his and Graham's brooms were, and Lilac helped Adrian get on with me. After that, she hopped on after Graham, and we bagan to head back to the school.

When we got there, the three rushed me to the hospital wing where we met Madam Pomfrey, Professor Snape, Dumbledor, and McGonagall.

"Oh dear, what happened?!" McGonagall shrieked.

Lilac and Graham walked out with her and Dumbledore while Adrian stayed next to me.

"Adrian we need to leave while Pomfrey checks up on Lynne," Snape whispered.

He looked at me, and I nodded, and then the two walked out.

Madam Pomfrey closed the curtains to give me privacy, and then she handed me some clothes and I gladly changed into them.

"Ms.Locke, can you please tell me everything that happened..?"

I nodded slowly, staring down at me hands.

"He took me...he took me to this building, and tied me up to a chair..." I whispered. I showed her the rope marks that were on my wrists.

"H-he took my clothes. He hit me multiple times...and h-he...he..." I couldn't even finish it was too much for me.

I burst out into tears and Madam Pomfrey hugged me tightly.

"He raped me..." I whispered.

She sighed. "Lynne I am so sorry..."

I sobbed harder. "It hurt...I hate myself...why'd it happen!?" I screamed.

Madam Pomfrey looked down at me. "Where is he now?"

I shrugged. "I don't know...they helped me out, leaving Adrian in there with him, and then he came out all bloody, so..."

She nodded. "Get some rest. I'll check up on you in a few hours."

I nodded, and pulled the sheets up over myself.

One thing for sure,

I knew I'd never be comfortable with anyone touching me again.

Not even myself...


Adrian's POV

Chasing After The Chaser Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora