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I walk over to my desk, next to my bed

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I walk over to my desk, next to my bed. Storm left half an hour ago and should be far away in his room by now. My hair's still wet and twisted up in a towel from the shower I took. I'm wearing a thick pair of joggers and a long sleeve black t-shirt.

As I bend down, to knock on the desk below, I roll my eyes as the compartment below groans open. I've had this desk for three months and it's old already.

As the desk flips, I smile as I pick up the case file named Storm Marelle Mission #6.

Flipping it open, I dial the anonymous number on the top. The phone barely rings and is picked up immediately. There's no familiar "Hello!" or "Thanks for fixing my idiot son and returning him to me."

"Is it done?" a cold, female voice says from the other side.

I nod, even though she can't see me. "It's done."

I decide to write a note to the anonymous agent who gives me the files.

In the future, refrain from giving Operative B cases with Storm Marelle due to feelings Operative B developed while carrying out Mission #6.

Slipping the note into the case file, I review the file to ensure that my mission was completed.

Target: Storm Nova Marelle

Mission: Return Target to Villain Court without suspicion.

Skipping through the Description section and History section, I reach the Summary of Surveillance, which unfortunately is basically me pining over how hot Storm is. Damn, four pages of it. My cheeks flush.

Switching to the Visuals section, I swipe a picture and keep it back on my desk. It's just one photo.

I didn't have many on my phone. He wasn't really a fan of cameras.

I smile.

I became an Operative when I was fourteen. My talent was spotted by a fancy friend of my father's who was visiting. I was sneaking through, trying to listen in to their conversation because I thought it was about me.

I shake my head at myself, I had zero abilities in staying silent back then.

The friend happened to be the CEO of a fishing company, which really means they were in the assassin/spy services for hire field. He noted that I had a passion for it, and asked my father for permission to take me to a base for some training. I guess that's how I placed so high in the test, I had field experience, unlike all the others.

And...the pay was crazy high.

Storm was my sixth mission which isn't very many but considering that training had lasted almost a year, six missions in less than two years were fairly impressive if I do say so myself.

I smile again.

Storm's file was dropped in my lap after I had left the agency to finish school. Father and Storm didn't know I accepted it. This one was different though because I had to fool everyone, including the staff. I had always been given some kind of additional support in most missions but not for this one. I was alone.

The feelings part, that was unexpected.

I had failed Rule #1 of being an Operative. Never catch feelings. I guess I was a little disappointed in myself, but I felt that what Storm and I had wasn't over yet.

I shook my head from my thoughts. Grabbing the case file, I slip on a pair of flip-flops and walk over to the supply room on Floor 1. The elevator's stuck, so I take the stairs. Running down, trying to do three at a time as fast as I can. I smile when I make it without falling face first. Without looking up, I run straight ahead, into a familiar solid body.

I look up. Storm. I laugh, awkwardly. "This is how it began."

He smiles sadly. "This is how it'll end."

"When's your flight?"

He glances at his watch. "In...four hours. I should get going actually. I haven't packed."

I nod. Typical Storm. "Cool...bye I guess."

He nods and runs off towards his dorm.

I walk in the opposite direction as him and make my way to the supply room. Knocking on the door, to make sure no one's inside, I slip in when there's silence.

Walking to the paper supply wall, I pull out a set of green construction paper and slip in the file which, to my surprise, is replaced with another one immediately. Taking it with a polite smile to no one but a wall of paper. I put the green paper back in the slot and hurry back to my room.

My lips pull up into an uncontrollable smile, despite the sadness, nothing could make it better than another mission. My career is my life, I realize. It always has been. Everything else is a meer consequence.

Opening the file, I read. Surveillance Willow Xen. !WARNING! Approach with caution. Target is highly skilled in jiu-jitsu and possesses training in Surveillance.

I smile. Can't wait.

As far as I know, Storm was wrong about one thing, this isn't the end of us, it's the end of this story

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As far as I know, Storm was wrong about one thing, this isn't the end of us, it's the end of this story. 


SUPERR short chapter, that's kinda the last of Blaise- NOT TO MENTION major plot twist. TEE HEE. 

Bunch of stuff to say. 

a) The main reason I added this plot twist was because I don't want people to think of Blaise as some kind of damsel in distress. She's not one. I think I did okay with that. Hopefully, she didn't come off as heartless...?

b) Last chapter coming out tomorrow, AHHH THIS DOES NOT EVEN FEEL REAL WTF. 

c) I thought I had a bunch of stuff to say but I guess not. 


I'm so dramatic. 


Word count: 22900 words

istg my author's note is longer than the chapter smh

istg my author's note is longer than the chapter smh

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