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I walk through the hallways once again, replaying the events of the day

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I walk through the hallways once again, replaying the events of the day. It was a regular one, the pranking, the laughing, the ruthless classes but, there was something different about today.

I smile before my thoughts returned to Blaise once again. Her hazel eyes and silk-like hair flashed in my head. Why? Sure, I had spent the night with her but, I did that with Eli and Aoife all the time.

The smile disappeared. I needed her out of my head. Now. I couldn't afford distractions.

Throwing my student ID in the air and catching it again I make my way to the head office.

As I walk, I can't help but notice the stares. I mask my reaction with nonchalance as I near the office.

Opening the door, the little bell above my head threatens to jingle but I stopped it before it could alert the entire school where I was. Ixtab was on lunch break and the headmaster never comes out of his compartment.

The stiff guards on either end of the door loosen up and gave me a nod and smile. I had allied with them my first week here, knowing it was in my best interests.

Slipping in, I make my way to the student files. This is the way I had found Eli and Aoife. Nothing better than using cold, hard facts and compatibility to make friends. Numbers are reliable, but hearts? Not so much.

Running my fingers across the files, I stop at the D-F cabinet.

One would think that a top-secret, high-security villain school would keep student files under lock and key but it was sad. Their security measures include nothing more challenging than cheap lasers. At the right angle, I could cross them in my sleep.

Finally finding the file titled Enrique, Blaise, I open it, surprised at how light it is. I look through quickly, immensely unimpressed. There were three pieces of paper in the whole damn folder. Her schedule and her registration papers.

Looking at the registration papers, I felt a flash of anger as I realize it is mostly blacked out. I groan. Well, this was great.

I hate being this unprepared. I like the upper hand, the element of surprise. It was fun. I was a predator, not prey but I guess, for now, I would have to play along.

I look at the schedule, looking for her next class. Scanning the page I find the 8th-period row and read "CC Physical". So she is a Sagacitas, my interest flickered a little. Blaise was just another nerd but, even as I thought it, I knew it was far from the truth. The spark in her eyes was too beautiful to be boring.

Closing the file, I put it back in its place. I guess I'll be having an extra Physical class today.

Making my way through the hallways, I find my way to the CC Physical ground. It's smaller than the Corporis one but not bad.

I find Blaise instantly. She sits on the bleachers, in the uniform shirt, headphones in her ears as she stares furiously at the ground. For a moment, I pity the ground.

She wears the uniform...the school wasn't strict about clothes. You could show up buck-naked and no one would spare a glance but, they provided uniforms to maintain the expectations of the rich parents. She has rich parents.

As if she could sense my gaze, she looks up. Her shock was masterfully covered with curiosity, as she held my gaze. 

I give her a smirk and looked away.

Feeling her frown bore into the back of my head, an amused smile finds its way on my face. She's cute.

Professor Bushida makes her way to the front of the grounds. Her skilled eyes find me in an instant and she raises an eyebrow. She knows me, of course, I just wasn't in her class.

I smile and shrug.

I swear I see her melt a little. I cover a growing arrogant smile with a normal one.

"Okay, class for the last two weeks I've been going hard on you, pushing you to do better, so today I've prepared some fun," she says, her loud voice echoing across the field.

The class collectively groans and I smile. We all know what "fun" meant but, I was excited.

Looking back at Blaise, her expression remains blank. She catches my eye.

Twice. She caught me looking twice. I feel my cheeks warm slightly and whip my head back to Professor Bushido.

"Water survival contests," she says, ignoring the "oohs" in the crowd. "There will be six tests and each of you will be paired into groups of two. Whichever pair receives the most points, which will be dependent on efficiency, will win. Prize? Bragging points. Surprise. Whatever. Teams are posted on the bulletin board outside your changing rooms. Storm, choose whichever group you want. Off you go, back in 5 minutes."

I hear Blaise groan but, she turns and walks off towards the girls changing room.

I jog behind her.

"What do you want?" she asks, annoyance seeping into her voice with curiosity. She rolls her eyes, as I jog to catch up with her. Her long soft hair flutters as a gust of wind passes us. She pulls it down behind her ear roughly. I can't help but look down at her pink lips.

I need help. Serious help.

I smile to myself. "I'm on your team," I say, as I skip slightly to keep up with her brisk pace. I had longer legs but damn, she could be fast when she wanted to be.

"Umm...no," she says. "No, no, no. No." She comes to a stop as we reach the door of the changing rooms.

"Sure you didn't miss another "no" there?" I say, joking.

A ghost of a smile makes its way on her face and I notice again how pretty she was again.

Boy, this'll be fun. 


Heyo! It's been forever since I last updated but agh I'm excited all over again. Updates will be much more consistent after this...hopefully and the next chapter? Romance, romance, romance. Also, a teensy bit of dumbness, so good luck!

Tell me what you think!



*basic editing done 4/30/2021

*basic editing done 4/30/2021

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