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I'm standing outside my old house. It's cold and windy. I'm in my pajamas. The sky is dark and covered in clouds.
My family is packing our car up with our belongings. Not like we're moving, but we're leaving in a hurry. My mom is in the car and so is my sister. My dad comes in with the last of the luggage and places it in my seat.
I have my things with me still. Where am I going to sit? Before I know it, he starts the car and starts to back up. I bang on the side of the car, begging him to stop.
Neither my sister nor mom ask him to stop. He pulls out the driveway and speeds down the street. I scream and cry as I chase the car with open arms. Why?
I'm all alone. In the rain. With no means of escaping this place. And from what?
I can't stay here. Where can I go? My dog looks at me. That's right, my dog.
They left her too. Maybe they'll come back for her?
. . .
. . .
. .
. . .
They're not.
All I can do is go back inside.
Waiting for nowhere to arrive.

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