Ups and Downs

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So a lot has changed in my life. I moved out. I turned 21. I also was homeless. Living paycheck to paycheck with a few loans out. It was hard. I was happy. Then I was depressed. I contemplated certain things. And I almost gave up. But it's better now. Much better. I have money. I don't feel swamped with bills. I live in an apartment with a roommate I don't know about. It's better. Definitely better. So? Why do I feel strange? I blame my uterus. I feel off. Something doesn't feel right? I don't know. I should say something. I'm gonna try something new or go to the gym a bit more often. I was planning to do things, but this weather is such a downer. I'm starting to not eat. Or I each too much. It's always something. I'm not hungry, or at least that's what I tell myself. I haven't eaten so I should eat more, or at least that's what I tell myself. I don't know. It's always something wrong, but I don't know what's wrong this time. I think I'm enjoying myself. Maybe it's also conflicting emotions about the small things? Maybe I should ask someone. I'll talk to someone about it. I just feel like standing water. Dense air. A stretched rubber band, just ready to pop. Something's boiling inside of me and I don't understand what. Or maybe I do, and I don't know how to deal with it. I'm confused.

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