Chapter 6: "Oh, for the love of God. It wasn't a date!"

Start from the beginning

I gulp and look back at Austin. He is still waiting for an answer. I shrug in response. He does it a lot, so why not I do it to? He sighs and shakes his head at me. Just then I see Zac walking towards us, a big grin on his face as he stands next to Austin and slings his arm over Austin's shoulder. I see Austin roll his eyes at Zac, but he doesn't make any attempt to remove Zac's arm from over his shoulder.

"Indiana, right?" Zac asks. "Yes. But you can call me Indy." I smile. "Indy. Cute." He nods. "So, I heard you were tutoring this dumb fucker huh?" Zac asks with a smirk. "Oh, for God's sake Zac." Austin mumbles. "Yeah." I nod. "This dude has been talking about you all weekend-" Before he can continue Austin places his hand over Zac's mouth.

Austin gives me a tight-lipped smile. "Um ignore him Indy. Anyway, text me any time you are free today after practice so that we can meet up and start on the English tasks and also maybe get some studying done." He says and I nod. Just like that Austin dragged Zac out the hallway.

"Boo!" A voice says from behind me and I jump slightly and drop my books. "Well shit. Didn't mean to scare ya." The voice says again as the person comes stands in front of me. "Alec." I frown as I look down at my books. "Let me get that for you." He says and bends down, picking up my books. He hands them to me and flashes me a grin.

He then leans against the locker next to mine. "How have you been?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows in front of me. I laugh at his actions before shaking my head and leaning against my locker. "Good. Ooh, how was your trip to the Bahamas?" I ask. "It was great! I learned how to surf, well kind of and I went snorkeling!" He says happily.

Alec West. He is a good friend of mine. I met him during my sophomore year when he moved here from Dallas. He happened to sit next to me in History that day. He was quite shy and I tired to make conversation. Then before you knew it, we had a whole conversation on how working at McDonalds was underrated and then he started sitting with us at our lunch table and became of a good friend of ours.

He isn't in any of the sports team, though he is on the robotics club and math's club. He was also in the book club last year, both him and Jay before the both of them started reading all the books out loud as a Shakespeare play and were kicked out.

He went to Bahamas this summer and missed almost two weeks of school since his parents decided to extend the trip to just get away from normal life, quiet a smart decision if you ask me. And now after a month in Bahamas and super tanned here he is looking happier than ever.

"That's great. Now why are you here?" I ask. "What do you mean? Can't I meet my best friend?" He fakes a frown. "You can. But you usually always go meet Jay first, who is your actual best friend before coming to me or Paris. So, either you want something from me or you caught Jay aggressively making out with a girl today and are here to pretend you didn't see anything." I say.

"What makes you think I haven't met Jay already?" He asks with a raised eyebrow. "Well, he is currently looking in our direction, walking towards us and glaring at you, clearly mad at the fact that you didn't inform him of your amazing arrival first." I say just in time Jay reaches us.

"Well Damn Wilson, you might as well be a detective, huh?" Alec whistles ignoring the glare his best friend is giving him. Jay clears his throat way more dramatically them needed. "Jay, didn't see you there bud. So how was your summer?" Alec smiles. Jay rolls his eyes.

"I am pissed." He mumbled. "Are you now?" Alec asks, slinging his shoulder over Jay's shoulder. Jay rolls his eyes, again before shrugging his hand off. "What kind of best friend are you? You were supposed to meet me first. Not my twin." Jay huffs like a two-year-old. "Well your twin is your other half. I have heard you feel and think almost the same thing. So, if you use my logical here technically, I came and met you first." Alec says. My eyebrows furrow.

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