CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 4

Start from the beginning

Then the monster dog nudged abruptly at the stunned Charlotte to get up and move before the toad monster regains its bearings and attacks again and she did, which the human and monster quickly ran for safety, getting away from the giant toad-like monster and keeping distance away from it, but they didn't notice as they didn't look back on seeing that the toad monster had admitted defeat and sank back down into the frozen pond and swam away to somewhere else in nursing its wounds and loss.

Charlotte and the shape-shifter dog kept on running until the dog barked and led her straight to another kind of abandoned vehicle, which is a broken-down beaten-up bus but still looks well-maintained despite its longtime abandonment and the earthy plants and thick snow covering and camouflaging it. Charlotte would have been hesitant to go in there when the dog led her to its home or nest but since it just saved her life, she instantly believes that this kind of monster is friendly, just as she was told by the other Mages and shown from their magical Monster survival guide book, so she went inside the bus without thinking about it or any caution over it.

Still, she remained on guard in case this went sideways and the monster dog turns on her, and this time, she'll be prepared to fight back, even with the measly yet strongly enchanted small weapon that she has on her person. But it looks like that she didn't have to worry about the monster dog changing its mind as it gently guides her around to where she can sit comfortably in the slight lived-in abandoned bus and it nudged her towards one of the comfy chairs that are slightly covered with a cloth to stave off any dust or dirt covering it.

Charlotte covered her mouth so that she wouldn't inhale any of it as she shook the cloth and took it off from the chair but she coughed a little when she made a little dust cloud upon doing it, and the dog huffed out a surprised sneeze by her action and whined at her.

"Sorry," she apologized, brushing off any more dust or dirt that might be on the chair and then gingerly sat down before regarding the monster dog a little warily as it shape-shifted and transformed into a friendly kind, that is a cute Terrier breed and it frolicked around its homey bus before it settled into its own comfy nest, that is the mound of blankets and soft pillows the shape-shifting monster canine has made for itself.

It was a kind of awkward silence between them. Especially with a nervous young human girl fidgeting in her seat uncertainly and a calm lounging shape-shifting canine kind of monster relaxing in its soft bed.

But then the silence was instantly broken for a short moment in a few seconds or so when Charlotte spotted something that will make her feel more relaxed and comfortable.

Charlotte sighed with relief upon seeing the particular object that will help her. "Oh good! A dress!"

She was about to reach the nice-looking thick coat-like winter blue dress laid out on the flat bed-like sofa-chair by the side of the bus, but the monster dog beat her to it upon grabbing it first by its jaws and took it back to its nest, shifting and transforming from playful Terrier to a growling protective Doberman dog form.

"Oh, okay--I'm sorry! I wasn't going to take it, I just...needed something else to wear since I'm all wet, dirty, and very cold now," Charlotte apologized, putting her hands up again to show that she means no harm towards it.

The Doberman stared at her with a regarding thoughtful look and seemed to pity the human teen girl when she started shivering from the cold that she suffered through when she tried to run back to wherever her camp was amidst the strong snowy blizzard still blowing through outside. The Doberman considered a bit for a slight moment before it finally decided to give the human the dress before she might get sick from the cold anyway. The Doberman transformed again from its form into another one that is a motherly caring Saint Bernard and it whined gently at Charlotte as it handed over the thick dress coat to her.

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