The New Era

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 "Kiara!! Stop taking my toys!!" a young girl with raven hair and amber eyes shouted at her sibling, who is her twin sister. A girl with blonde hair, as her eyes are dual-colored which is her left eye being lime-green and her right eye amber.

"Well maybe if you learn to share, I wouldn't be taking your toys!!" Kiara retorted at her sister, who is named Nala. Both girls are wearing matching cami dresses, even though the one Kiara is wearing is dark grey and the one Nala is wearing is pure white.

They are also wearing tan sandals. Within Kiara's hands are stuffed toys, resembling animals. A stuffed bunny and cat.

 "Give it back!" Nala shouted, as she tries to take her stuffed animals from her sister. Kiara wasn't making it easy, as she was using her other hand to push her sister away while keeping the plushies away from her.

 "You have tons of other stuffed animals! Go play with those instead!" Kiara tells her.

 "No! Those are my favorite!"

 Suddenly, the stuffed animals are snatched out of Kiara's hands. Both of the sisters looked over, and then widen their eyes a little when they saw who is was.

 "What are you two fighting over this time?" Meliodas questioned the girls, his dark eyes narrowed slightly while one of his eyebrows rose. Within his left gloved hand were the stuffed toys he had taken from his daughter.

 "Daddy! Kiara took my toys!" Nala said, pointing over to Kiara with an angry pout on her face.

 "I asked if I could play with one of them, but you wouldn't share!" Kiara quickly defends herself, as she crosses her arms at her sister. "And you got lots of stuffed toys that mom made for you!"

 "But the bunny and the kitty are my favorite!!" Nala protests.

 "Alright, enough you two." Meliodas said with his voice being stern. That made the two girls close their mouths, if they really wanted to make their father angry at their pointless bickering.

 "Nala, your sister has a point. I know these two dolls are your favorites, but shouldn't you take two more of your dolls for your sister to play with?" the blonde demon questioned. This made Nala look at the ground with her lips pursed. This made her realize how selfish she is, not even considering making sure her sister has fun playing around.

 So she turns to her with a sad look, "I'm sorry I didn't bring more toys for you to play sis."

 Kiara, though wasn't about to forgive her on the spot. She was still a bit upset, though was surprised that her twin decided to apologize first. It's usually the other way around since Nala tends to refuse to admit she was in the wrong.

 But a glare from her father made her flinch, and she didn't want him to tell this incident and her refusing to forgive to their mother.

 "I forgive you." Kiara nods.

 "Good." Then Meliodas hands the dolls back to his daughters. The bunny to Nala since she favors it more than the other, and the kitty doll to Kiara. "By the way. Where are your brothers?" he then asked.

 "Oh they're with Papa Zel." Kiara said, as she holds the doll close to her.

 "He caught them trying to sneak out from their studies, and stumbled upon them fighting while sneaking out." Nala added, which made Meliodas smirk in amusement.

 'And here I thought I would have trouble with my girls.' the older brother thought, as he felt sorry for his other brother.


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