Ruins of Rausten

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 Two nations left standing.

 The news of Jehanna's demise along with their queen has shaken the two rulers of the remaining nations to their core. A cold realization washes over them, as they knew right away that one of them is next. While the other will once more await the time of their downfall, with no way of receiving aid from the Allied Clans.

 That's why both nations, Rausten and Wolteria, are quick with their preparations. They wanted to pull out every ounce of options and strategies they can think of to repel the Demon Clan away. To buy more time, if they can at least be able to destroy the Seal of Calasmos after the report was sent by Ismaire before the day of her death.

 The conditions of getting rid of the seal is impossible for them.

 How can they kill the Demon King at this point with only four appointed warriors wielding their Sacred Twins? Would that even be enough at this point to ward him off? To kill not only him, but also the Ten Commandments before they could kill them?

 No, but they have to at least try.


 Through the dense fog within the territory of Rausten, a scream broke out in the silenced air. It was then cut off, before the body of a knight was carelessly tossed to the ground. Joining the other corpses that are missing their souls, sprawled around as some leaned against the walls and some on the stairs.

 Wearing the dark cloak from the time she wandered to the scorching sands of Jehanna, Sonia didn't look twice at the victim she just took care of with several souls within her hands. They're almost weightless, but almost the same size of an orange.

 She kinda always thought the souls of the living would be much... bigger than what she was given in reality.

 "And the only taste difference is depending on how pure and impure the people are." Sonia mused to herself, before shoving one of the souls she had in her grasp into her mouth. Her face instantly scrunches up as she swallows it.

 "I'm surprised how impure a handful of Magvel's population are. That's really sad." the Demon Queen noted, before shoving another soul into her mouth. Once all of the souls she had left are devoured, she exhales heavily before looking around.

 "Still... I know Rausten are known to get dense fogs every now and then. They should've build up their defenses more suitable to counter this." Sonia said while crossing her arms below her chest. Though she then smirked rather evilly, when she heard something crawling over to her.

 "But then again..."

 Whatever is approaching her had no intent to kill her, but rather to group around her. Which revealed to be 30 to 60 behemoths of arachnids, twice the size of her.

 Most of them had their face, legs, and underside being black, though unnaturally polished which meant their limbs hardened like steel. Their eyes red-oranges, seven across the face while the eight is above which is red with an eye similar to a reptile. Their hairs orange, as their mouths seemed to own very sharp teeth.

 However, quite a few are different as their color schemes are different. Instead their underside, along with their legs and face, are bright red. Seven of the eyes are yellow, while the eighth is neon green. Their hairs are grey with a single streak of neon green running through the center.

 "Where's the fun in that when I have a surprise for Rausten?" Sonia questioned out loud, as one of them moved closer to her. She pets its leg, and the arachnid seemed to hiss in content at her touch.

 These overgrown spiders are known as Baels. A breed of gargantuan spiders that is enlarged through the interference of fell magic, mainly through Sonia's magic. Like what typical spiders would do to their prey in the wild, they hunt for their prey and then they strike with their fangs and claws.

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