49. Rumors

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Georgina's POV

"What?" the words left my mouth sounding more concerned than confused, "What do you mean by that?"

Roman was looking extremely anxious as he explained, "The cave of thesauri was never meant to be guarded according to the ancient high priest. The cave was only known by the royal blood of Peruka and the high priests and only they had the access to it. Nobody else was supposed to know about it as they could use it for their own greed. We had to keep the information to very limited people because of this reason, so we never even thought of assigning guards to the cave."

"But didn't you send a group of soldiers there yesterday?" I asked him. If the cave was supposed to be a secret, wasn't it risky to send people there?

"Yes, but after this incident....I think this rule will have to change." Roman frowned, "I know for sure father wasn't the one to assign guards there. It means they are mock Perukan soldiers. Even Octavius was confused and went to handle the situation there. I'll send Leonard over to investigate further."

"What are you going to do?" I inquired, getting up and stretching.

"Torture them till they spill the name of the one who assigned them." Roman said but his eyes were fixed on Leonard who nodded, ordering him while answering me in the same sentence.

After Leonard left, I told him, "I'll go check on brother."

Roman nodded, "I'll freshen up by the time."

I walked towards the infirmary and knocked on the door, getting in response a few groans and shuffling noise.

"Your highness." The head doctor greeted me, looking dead tired. Aunt Seanna was also there and she looked ready to fall asleep but I knew she wouldn't until she made sure Percy was safe, just the way she tried to bring life to mum's dead body for five days without any break.

I winced at the memory and also at the image of brother Percy bandaged from head to toe, several magical circles surrounding him with a magical aura to top it all, the one I presumed the high priest from Peruka created. He was unrecognisable.

"Any improvement in his situation?" I asked the doctor who glumly shook his head, "No. He's just the way the high priest left him."

I nodded before the door to the infirmary broke and came in a couple that made my heart drop.

Aunt Ly and Uncle Caiden. Percy's parents.

They probably heard about him.

Aunt Ly looked around the infirmary with narrowed eyes before landing on brother Percy. Her scrutinizing gaze examined him before turning to me.

"Who is this?" she asked, her voice stoic as always.

I looked down in shame, "Aunt, I-I am so-", "Who. The. Fuck. Is. HE." She repeated with a hard voice.

I turned my head up to meet her blurred image, the waterworks in my eyes starting to work.

"If you can't answer, then just tell me he's not Percy." She said, her voice wavering in the end, "Tell me that redhead was lying."

I gulped.

How can I break it to her? How do I tell her that she might never see her son again?

When I didn't talk, Uncle Caiden spoke, "George, Please. He can't be P-Percy, right?"

I took in a deep breath and I felt the same emotions I had once felt two decades ago when I had to tell Fred about mum's death.

It never gets easier.

People die every day, every minute, all around the globe.

It doesn't affect the dead. They move on to a new body, a new life.

MY THRONEOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant