38. His Coronation

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Third Person's POV

Roman was thrilled, excited even.

Though extremely anxious and nervous as well.

Anyone in his boots would be.

He's going to be announced as the Emperor of his vast Empire and people.

He's going to be responsible for them. He's going to represent them.

This was a huge burden on the shoulders of a young boy who just turned 17. However, things in Peruka, tend to happen early, varying from hitting puberty to marriage.

Roman was supposed to be married today.

However, he lacked a fiancee, who should've been with him since he was 6.

But, he knew no one would be able to get to the standards of the person he was mentally wed to.

No one other than Georgina herself.

He held back a sad sigh at the thought as the maids dressed him with expensive jewellery.

He wore a dress shirt, cream in colour and embroidered. It had an Arabesque band-collared linen design, with baggy linear prints inspired by a contemporary traditional fabric. The shirt had a deep v cut showing off his chest and abs.

A cream turban adorned with gold embroidery and jewels sat on his head. The entire outfit was made of rich silk, which suited the soon to be Emperor.

Roman, to put it simply, looked fabulous.

A knock on the door caught his attention as he motioned his hand for the knight guarding the inside of his room to open it.

Octavius popped his head in, observing his surroundings before his lips twitched with satisfaction. Everything was going as planned and soon Roman would heir the throne, putting a stop to his father's despotism.

"Your majesty." Octavius bowed, "All the guests have arrived. It's time for the purification ritual."

Roman nodded his head in acknowledgement and waved the maids off.

He strode through the hallway and to the ancient hall of purity. The hall where every Emperor Peruka had ever had was crowned.

"Has Gina arrived?" He asked Octavius who was following him through the hallway. All the guards bowed to Roman as he passed, eager for the young prince to take over his father.

"Yes, your majesty." Octavius answered, , "I welcomed her to the palace myself. She must be residing in the hall of purity with other nobles who came to attend your coronation."

Roman nodded again, his mood lifting slightly at the mention of Georgina.

As they passed a window, Roman halted and turned to face it.

He examined his face and clothing. They were too revealing for his liking, but hopefully, it would be to Georgina's liking.

He hoped to make a lasting impression on her, knowing that they won't be in contact for a long time.

After he becomes the Emperor, he would have to shoulder not only his responsibilities and workload, but the Empress' as well.

He would only be able to visit Georgina when he visits Obelia for work-related reasons, which would not be often.

This would be their last interaction with each other for a long time.

The situation reminded him of the time when he went for the war. However, it also reminded him of those unwanted memories, especially his mother's death and the melancholy night he spent crying.

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