41. Rising Suspicions

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Roman's POV

"There," I said and banged the documents on the desk, "I'm done for the day. Now, don't you dare bother me when I'm with Gina." I glared at Octavius who looked quite satisfied after making me work.

I knew I was the emperor and all this came with the title, but I rarely met Gina these days. I can always finish the paperwork during the night and I hate it when he interrupts my time with her. He's done it a couple of times now, making me doubt that he's doing it on purpose.

"Your majesty, you still need to finish this document after lunch." Octavius reminded me and I waved him off, going to my dresser and picking up a piece of jewellery to wear.

"I'll do it during the night." I answered and Octavius sighed.

"Your majesty, you need to sleep. You've only had two hours of sleep yesterday, if you finish this after lunch, you might be able to sleep for more than seven hours."

"Emperors rarely sleep, Octavius." I replied coldly, running a hand through my hair to make it look presentable, "Thought you'd know it by now."

"I do know," Octavius replied, "But everyone needs sleep. Your body won't be able to keep up with your tiresome schedule. It'll make you sick."

"You're not my mother." I gritted out, "Stop acting like one."

"I may not be your mother, but your wellbeing is my topmost priority." He replied.

I ignored him and made a move to get the door but he blocked my way.

"Take a look at this, your majesty." He said and handed me a paper. His tone made it clear that I was not leaving this room till I take a look at the paper.

I sighed and took it from his hand. My eyes widened when I looked at what it was and shoved it back in Octavius' chest with a glare.

"I'm not choosing an Empress. I think I made it clear more than once now." I said coldly.

"Your majesty, you cannot continue with this lifestyle. An Empire needs an Empress just as much the Emperor." Octavius replied calmly.

I gritted my teeth in annoyance and made my way to get the door.

"If you're hanging onto the hope that the Princess will somehow choose you, you are mistaken." He said, making me stop, "There's a list of candidates in the palace today that could potentially be her partner. And trust me, knowing the princess, she perhaps, already chose one."

His words made a dent in my heart but I didn't reply to him and made my way outside the room.

As I passed the hallway, I noticed the maids eyeing me, giving me a bit of confidence.

I wore a new outfit with a traditional hint, which I especially got designed to seduce Georgina.

It showed my abs and chest, and the full-length sleeves that hugged my arms had designers cuttings on them, making it look flirty yet elegant.

The dress was revealing yet it hid the scar on my stomach perfectly.

I had that scar since I was thirteen, during the battlefield. Someone had plunged a sword in me and I would've died if the commander didn't immediately take me to the mage doctor.

The wound was so deep, it permanently left a scar. A really ugly scar.

I knew Georgina hated scars, so I didn't want her to accidentally see it and lose any interest she may have in me.

But Georgina also liked fit bodies, so she had to see that I was fit enough for her.

As I made my way towards the rose garden with a gentle smile, I heard voices.

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