A price for this cursed sword!

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You wake up frantically, looking around.

Y/n: another nightmare again.

You shake it off and get up, internally shaken yet externally composed.

Y/n: I guess...I got to get up. ^who am I talking to?^

you get up and put on your outfit as you slowly walk toward the door.

Megumin: Y/n?

Y/n: yes?

You open the door so you can see her.

Megumin: are you...okay?

Y/n: yeah perfect, why do you ask?

Megumin: I heard you scream earlier, and you still seem a bit shaky

you noticed your hand twitching and stopped it.

Y/n: I-

Megumin: Don't lie to me...please.

Y/n: I had a bad dream, it reoccurs but... don't worry, I'm okay now...

Megumin: are you sure?

you smile slightly whilst looking her in the eye's

Y/n: completely. ^I have stopped shaking, and I don't feel scared... is it her^

you move slightly closer to her and feel even safer.

Y/n: ^yes, it is.^

you close your eye's to enjoy the comfort.

Megumin: let's head to the guild now, okay?

Y/n: alright. let's go. ^she seems excited and a bit red? I wonder why? is she sick?

You put your hand on the left side of her face in an attempt to get her temperature, causing her to go even redder, rivalling any tomato you have ever seen.

Y/n: ^she seems okay temp wise, but she is going redder?^

Megumin: ^he.he.he.he is touching my face!!! his touch is so warm and soothing...^

Y/n: are you feeling okay? You look a bit red?

Megumin: I...am wonderful... ^does he not know what he is doing?!^

Y/n: anyway, we should get going now.

Megumin: okay.

You both head to the guild, walking close to each other, almost hand in hand, you enjoying the peace she brought you and her enjoying the warmth you gave her. Finally, you both enter the guild. Much to your annoyance, Aqua was already complaining about the lack of money and wanting to take up a quest.

Kazuma: Oh hey Y/n.

Y/n: shut her up, please.

Kazuma: fine, alright, Aqua, go find a quest.

Aqua: Yay!

Megumin: are you sure you want her picking the quest?

Y/n: I agree she is pretty slow, knowing her, she would pick something ridiculous.

Darkness: I wouldn't mind that...

Y/n: shut up darkness.

She moans.

Kazuma: you okay, Y/n? You seem a bit aggressive.

Y/n: I am sorry...you should check on Aqua.

Kazuma goes off to deal with Aqua, and you sit there and stare out of the window, left in thought.

Konosuba (malereader X meguminWhere stories live. Discover now