Explosion loli and an adventure

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You awaken early in the morning to Kazuma and Aqua talking about what type of quest we should go on.

Y/n: how about a kill quest?

Kazuma: do you think we can handle any?

Y/n: while I was walking around I saw a giant frog kill quest, should be simple enough.

Kazuma: alright let's go and accept it then.

Aqua: agreed!

You all go to the guild and accept the giant frog kill quest.

Y/n: ^should be easy enough, plus I get to test my abilities, on my Id sheet I only saw the cero so maybe I have to level up to unlock more?^

Aqua: ^yes this should be easy money, I'll barely have to do anything.^

Kazuma: ^finally an actual job, it will be interesting to see what y/n is capable of when he is not relaxing or being lazy.^

You all go out into the field which happen to contain the giant frog's, one immediately chases Kazuma causing both you and Aqua to laugh.

Kazuma: Aqua! Y/n! Help!!!

Aqua: I will help only if you agree to pray to me every day, join the axis sect, and apologise for insulting me, oh and let's not forget you must call me lady aqua.

Y/n: ^hmm it seems Kazuma's screaming stopped which would mean...^

As you thought, the frog had turned it's attention to the still babbling aqua giving you enough time to get several meters back but she still got stuck in the toads mouth.

Kazuma: y/n help her quickly!

Y/n: hmm, I got an idea.

You begin to charge your cero from your finger, it took on a light green coloration but was unusually unstable.

Kazuma: ^that looks powerful! I wonder what it's capable of!^

Y/n: ^why is it so hard to control? It's stability is terrible, whatever it should still fire anyway.^

You fire the charged cero blast from your finger and a large explosion is heard.

Kazuma: ^that explosion sounded huge!^

Kazuma takes a look at the frog that was swallowing away at aqua and saw it sitting there perfectly happy and unscathed.

Kazuma: ^what how...^

He notices you had blown yourself up.

Kazuma: ^great he is as useful as Aqua...^

A frog comes out of nowhere and begins to eat you as well.

Y/n: hey Kazuma? Mind giving me a hand...

Kazuma: hold on you guys!

Kazuma kills both the frogs that had been swallowing you and aqua and you all decided a tactical retreat was in order so you went to the guild again.

Y/n: that was horrible... never again will I do that!

Aqua: yeah! What the hell is with those giant frogs!

Kazuma: well aqua you can't complain you didn't do anything! And y/n you did more harm then good with your explosion!

Y/n: yeah I gotta work on that...

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